Spotted Wing Drosophila IPM Working Group
The invasive species spotted wing drosophila (SWD), Drosophila suzukii, has exploded onto the scene in essentially all states in the northeastern region since the 2011 growing season, causing significant injury to fruit crops in several areas. Unlike many other fruit flies, SWD has the capacity to lay eggs into intact and marketable fruit. Berries are especially vulnerable, but SWD has been reported from many other crops and wild plants.
The SWD IPM Working Group will help 1) identify and prioritize the research and extension needs for SWD in the Northeast for vulnerable crops, 2) develop effective lines of communication with other working groups within and outside the region and with affected industries, and 3) facilitate development of SWD IPM guidelines for the Northeast.
- Membership: View the list of working group members.
- Priorities: View the priority-setting documents generated by this working group.
- Program Content: View presentations from the working group meetings.

Spotted Wing Drosophila IPM in Blueberries
Spotted wing drosophila represents a major challenge to producers of blueberries in the northeastern U.S. and elsewhere. This document summarizes best management practices with a focus on blueberries.

Spotted Wing Drosophila IPM in Raspberries and Blackberries
Spotted wing drosophila represents a major challenge to producers of raspberries and blackberries in the northeastern U.S. and elsewhere. This document summarizes best management practices with a focus on red and black raspberries and blackberries.
Search the Northeastern IPM Center’s database for spotted wing drosophila resources by using the keyword “swd”:
In the News
Testing Shows Dry, Red Sticky Traps Improve Spotted Wing Drosophila Monitoring A new study in Michigan found that spotted wing drosophila consistently prefer red, glue-covered monitoring traps compared to the most commonly used clear deli-cup traps. Source: Entomology Today, May 14, 2018.
Fruit Flies Threaten Late Summer Berry Crops Spotted wing drosophila is taking a bite out of New York area berry crops. This CBS 2 News report aired on September 16, 2014. Source: WCBS-TV.