Tick IPM #5: Pathogens Found in Ticks Collected on School Grounds and Public Parks
Recorded September 14, 2020
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Blacklegged tick. Photo by Lisa Ames, University of Georgia, Bugwood.org.
Drs. Gangloff-Kaufmann and Goodman discuss a research project completed in collaboration with colleagues in Dr. Goodman’s lab at the Cornell College of Veterinary Medicine. The purpose of the project was to determine tick distribution on school grounds and in parks in urbanized Nassau County, NY, and to examine pathogens found in ticks collected on school grounds and in public parks.
One result of the project is a paper available online at onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/zph.12749.
Ms. Lampman and Dr. Frye highlight their highly effective Don’t Get Ticked New York! educational campaign. They will explain the impetus for developing the campaign, along with their goals and what the campaign has achieved.
Ms. Joellen Lampman & Dr. Matt Frye
Ms. Joellen Lampman is a Community IPM Extension Support Specialist with the New York State IPM Program at Cornell University. With a degree in Natural Resources from Cornell University, Joellen is a lifelong environmental educator. At the New York State IPM Program, she utilizes the clear knowledge-based, decision-making process of IPM to teach ecology and make a difference, one property at a time. Dr. Matt Frye is an Extension Educator with the New York State Integrated Pest Management Program at Cornell University. He provides education and conducts research related to pest management in and around buildings. Matt received his Master’s and PhD in entomology from the University of Delaware and worked as an urban entomologist in the pest management industry before joining the IPM Program.
Dr. Jody Gangloff-Kaufmann
At the IPM Program Jody serves as the Coordinator of Community IPM, with a staff of 5 that cover all the integrated pest management issues that are nonagricultural. In this work, she and her colleagues promote IPM-based solutions for pests in homes, workplaces, parks, golf courses, schools, and a wide variety of other places. Dr. Gangloff-Kaufmann chaired the New York City Bed Bug Advisory Board, co-leads a working group called “The Scientific Coalition on Pest Exclusion (SCOPE)” and leads a tick awareness campaign called “Don’t Get Ticked, NY”, which can be found at www.dontgettickedny.org.
Dr. Laura Goodman
Dr. Laura Goodman’s work has investigated mechanisms of pathogen emergence and development of novel high-throughput testing methods. Her research takes a One Health perspective on pathogen discovery and surveillance, with specific focus areas of tick-borne disease and antimicrobial resistance.