The IPM Toolbox: "Cockroaches Finally Meet Their Match (Yep, It Includes IPM)" – Webinar Recording

German cockroach. Photo by Kansas Department of Agriculture,
Recorded May 18, 2017
Changlu Wang, Professor, Rutgers University
Join Changlu Wang and learn about his research project that successfully reduced cockroach infestation by 80% in public housing units in New Jersey. Even if you don’t live in an apartment building, his simple, low-cost, and effective approach can be easily learned and applied just about anywhere – the true essence of IPM. Maybe you have specific questions for Dr. Wang about cockroaches, bed bugs or termites – there will be plenty of time for those, too.
Changlu Wang received his PhD from West Virginia University in 1998. His research program focuses on developing new and improved urban pest management technologies through the study of biology, behavior, and ecology of urban pests. The goal is to identify cost-effective and environmentally friendly solutions that will immediately benefit the consumers. His extension program delivers research-based urban pest management technologies to pest management professionals and the public through presentations, field demonstrations, and extension publications.