Tree Fruit Field Guide to Insect, Mite, and Disease Pests and Natural Enemies of Eastern North America

Description: They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but to a tree fruit grower, a picture can save thousands of dollars. The Tree Fruit Field Guide to Insect, Mite, and Disease Pests and Natural Enemies of Eastern North America contains over 500 color photos to help growers identify pestilent insects, mites, and diseases that are causing damage in the orchard, as well as beneficial insects, spiders, and mites. Detailed descriptions and management practices are given for 89 pests, 20 beneficials, and 68 diseases. The guide is an important tool for growers, gardeners, educators, scientists, and students.
Authors: A. Agnello, G. Chouinard, A. Firlej, W. Turechek, F. Vanoosthuyse, C. Vincent
Publication date: 2006
Length: 238 pages
Cost: $38.00
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