Spotted Wing Drosophila IPM in Blueberries
Description: Spotted wing drosophila (SWD) represents a major challenge to producers of soft skinned fruit crops in the northeastern U.S. and elsewhere. Blueberries are a high risk host for SWD and therefore especially vulnerable. The arrival of SWD in the Northeast in 2011 prompted considerable research activity to develop strategies for its management. Although more research is needed, there is enough information available to recommend a set of best management practices (BMPs) that emphasizes the use of multiple tactics including monitoring, cultural control, and chemical control.
This document summarizes BMPs with a focus on blueberries. Production practices differ among cultivars and this may influence which BMPs are relevant. Later maturing varieties are the most vulnerable.
Authors: Cesar Rodriguez-Saona, Juliet Carroll, Nicole Mattoon, Dean Polk, Greg Loeb, Laura McDermott, and Anne Nielsen. Input provided by the Northeast IPM SWD Working Group, 2018.
Publication date: March 2019
Download link: Spotted Wing Drosophila IPM in Blueberries (PDF, 13 MB)