News, Events, Jobs, and More
- GROW: Bringing Research and Tools for Integrated Weed Management to Farmers
Join us April 8, 2025. This webinar will introduce the GROW (Getting Rid of Weeds) outreach platform, integrated weed management resources, and ongoing research on topics such as cover crops, harvest weed seed control, and precision weed management.
- Exploring Alternatives to Neonicotinoid Seed Treatments: Case Studies in Vegetable Crops
Join us April 3, 2025. This talk will discuss alternatives to neonicotinoid seed treatments for controlling seedcorn maggot in onions, snap beans, dry beans, and sweet corn.
- UConn Extension IPM and Sustainable Landscapes Programs
Victoria Wallace, extension educator and Connecticut state IPM coordinator, was one of the winners of the Northeastern IPM Center’s 2024 Outstanding Achievements in IPM Award. Wallace provided an overview of the extensive breadth of IPM programming she oversees and helps implement to benefit stakeholders throughout Connecticut and beyond.
- Encountering Bed Bugs While Traveling
Travelers could encounter bed bugs anywhere from hotels to friends’ and family members’ homes. These troublesome biting pests are excellent at hiding and hitchhiking, but some basic knowledge of how to inspect rooms and avoid bringing bed bugs home can help travelers avoid having to deal with infestations of their own.
- CABI: Partners in IPM
IPM is critical to food security, and networks of collaboration and partnership are key to successful implementation of IPM. CABI is an international, intergovernmental, not-for-profit whose mission includes “improving people’s lives worldwide by providing information and applying scientific expertise to solve problems in agriculture and the environment.”
- 2024 Northeast Integrated Pest Management Research Update Conference
The Northeast IPM Research Update Conference was recorded December 10, 2024, and featured updates from projects funded by the Northeastern IPM Center’s Partnership Grants Program, Northeast SARE, and USDA-NIFA.
- Northeastern IPM Center Announces Recipients of 2024 Partnership Grants
Each year, through a competitive RFA process, the Center’s IPM Partnership Grants Program distributes funding to projects that further the mission of the Center, address or identify IPM priorities for the Northeast, and benefit the region at large.