IPM in Action
Whether you are new to IPM or have years of experience, read on to find out what it’s all about, what’s new, and where to go for more information.
What Is IPM?
Integrated pest management is a sound, sensible approach to dealing with pests...
News, Events, Jobs, and More
Read the latest news in IPM—upcoming events, research outcomes, and new sources of information on pests in the region.
Success Stories
Learn about the outcomes of projects that focus on important pest problems and provide economic, environmental, and human health benefits to our region.
IPM Resources
Need information on managing pests? Find links to reliable resources for pest problems in any setting.
Base de Datos Sobre el Manejo Integrado de Plagas: Una biblioteca virtual sobre el manejo integrado de plagas.
The IPM Toolbox Webinars
We’ve asked the experts to join us online for an hour of dialogue about an effective IPM practice, method, or effort. See our upcoming webinars and view recordings of past webinars.
Outstanding Acheivements in IPM Award
The Northeastern IPM Center launched the Outstanding Achievements in Integrated Pest Management Award in 2019. The award honors those whose work on IPM in the Northeast deserves special recognition.