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241. |
New England Vegetable Management Guide: Soil Testing Publish Date: 2014 Author/Source: University of Massachusetts Extension Description: Information from the New England Vegetable Management Guide on soil testing. Includes pages on soil testing lab information, taking samples, cation exchange capacity, base saturation, soil pH and lime, buffer pH, organic matter, and carbon to nitrogen ratio. State/Region: New England |
242. |
New England Vegetable Management Guide: Spinach Publish Date: 2014 Author/Source: University of Massachusetts Extension Description: Information from the New England Vegetable Management Guide on growing spinach. Includes pages with basic information, varieties, weed control, insect control, and disease control. State/Region: New England |
243. |
New England Vegetable Management Guide: Sweet Corn Publish Date: 2014 Author/Source: University of Massachusetts Extension Description: Guide to Sweet Corn management that includes information on varieties, grass, broadleaf and perennial weed control, insect control and disease control. State/Region: New England |
244. |
New England Vegetable Management Guide: Sweet Potato Publish Date: 2014 Author/Source: University of Massachusetts Extension Description: Information from the New England Vegetable Management Guide on growing sweet potato. State/Region: New England |
245. |
New England Vegetable Management Guide: Tomato (Greenhouse) Publish Date: 2014 Author/Source: University of Massachusetts Extension Description: Information from the New England Vegetable Management Guide on growing greenhouse tomatoes. State/Region: New England |
246. |
New England Vegetable Management Guide: Tomato (Outdoor) Publish Date: 2014 Author/Source: University of Massachusetts Extension Description: Information from the New England Vegetable Management Guide on growing outdoor tomatoes. State/Region: New England |
247. |
New England Vegetable Management Guide: Weed Management Publish Date: 2014 Author/Source: University of Massachusetts Extension Description: Information from the New England Vegetable Management Guide on weed management strategies. Includes sections on resistance management, toxicity, listings of herbicides, mechanical weed control, stale seedbed technique, flame weeding, herbicides and plastics, trade names of herbicides, vegetable herbicide registration, and relative effectiveness of herbicides on different weed species. State/Region: New England |
248. |
Partners for Sustainable Pollination Publish Date: 2014 Author/Source: Partners for Sustainable Pollination Description: Learn about Bee Friendly Farming and find out how you can certify your farm, vineyard, garden, or beekeeping operation. Partners for Sustainable Pollination is a volunteer-based nonprofit working to improve the health of honey bees and other pollinators. State/Region: National |
249. |
Pesticide Use in Indian Country and EPA's Federal Plan for Certification Resources Publish Date: 2014 Author/Source: North Central IPM Center Description: The linked resources have been developed to help Pesticide Safety Education Program trainers, State regulatory personnel, and tribal authorities educate applicators how to become federally certified to apply Restricted Use Pesticides in Indian Country. State/Region: National |
250. |
Potential of Essential Oil-Based Pesticides and Detergents for Bed Bug Control (PDF) Publish Date: 2014 Author/Source: Singh, N, Wang, Changlu, Cooper, Richard Description: We evaluated the efficacy of nine essential oil-based products and two detergents using direct spray and residual contact bioassays in the lab. States/Regions: International, Mid-Atlantic, National, New England, Northeast, Southeast ![]() |
251. |
Production Guide for Organic Blueberries (PDF) Publish Date: 2014 Author/Source: NYS IPM Program Description: This grower's guide includes chapters on site selection, variety selection, soil and nutrient management, integrated pest management (IPM), sprayer technology, and pesticides. States/Regions: New York, Northeast |
252. |
Production Guide for Organic Carrots for Processing (PDF) Publish Date: 2014 Description: Chapters include organic certification, soil health, cover crops, field selection, weed management, varieties, planting methods, nutrient management, harvesting, disease, nematode and insect management, regulatory concerns, pesticides, and further references. States/Regions: New York, Northeast |
253. |
Production Guide for Organic Cole Crops (PDF) Publish Date: 2014 Description: Chapters include organic practices, soil health, cover crops, field selection, weed management, varieties, planting methods, nutrient management, harvesting, disease and insect management, pesticides, and further references. States/Regions: New York, Northeast |
254. |
Production Guide for Organic Cucumbers and Squash (PDF) Publish Date: 2014 Author/Source: NYS IPM Program Description: Chapters include organic certification, soil health, cover crops, field selection, weed management, varieties, planting methods, nutrient management, harvesting, disease and insect management, regulatory concerns, pesticides, and further references. States/Regions: New York, Northeast |
255. |
Production Guide for Organic Grapes (PDF) Publish Date: 2014 Author/Source: NYS IPM Program Description: Chapters in this guide include general organic management practices, soil health, cover crops, site selection, variety selection, nutrient management, organic IPM, sprayer technology, pesticides, and further references. States/Regions: New York, Northeast |
256. |
Production Guide for Organic Lettuce (PDF) Publish Date: 2014 Author/Source: NYS IPM Program Description: Chapters in this guide include general organic management practices, soil health, cover crops, site selection, variety selection, nutrient management, organic pesticides, disease, nematode and insect management, pesticides, and further references. States/Regions: New York, Northeast |
257. |
Production Guide for Organic Peas for Processing (PDF) Publish Date: 2014 Author/Source: NYS IPM Program Description: Chapters include organic certification, soil health, cover crops, field selection, weed management, varieties, planting methods, nutrient management, harvesting, disease and insect management, regulatory concerns, pesticides, and further references. States/Regions: New York, Northeast |
258. |
Production Guide for Organic Potatoes (PDF) Publish Date: 2014 Author/Source: NYS IPM Program Description: Chapters include organic certification, soil health, cover crops, field selection, weed management, varieties, planting methods, nutrient management, harvesting, disease and insect management, pesticides, and further references. States/Regions: New York, Northeast |
259. |
Production Guide for Organic Snap Beans for Processing (PDF) Publish Date: 2014 Author/Source: NYS IPM Program Description: Chapters include organic certification, soil health, cover crops, field selection, weed management, varieties, planting methods, nutrient management, harvesting, disease and insect management, regulatory concerns, pesticides, and further references. States/Regions: New York, Northeast |
260. |
Production Guide for Organic Spinach (PDF) Publish Date: 2014 Author/Source: NYS IPM Program Description: Chapters in this guide include general organic management practices, soil health, cover crops, site selection, variety selection, nutrient management, organic IPM, sprayer technology, pesticides, and further references. States/Regions: New York, Northeast |
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