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181. |
Managing Bed Bugs without Harmful Pesticides Publish Date: 2014-02-03 Author/Source: Northwest Center for Alternatives to Pesticides Description: 13 minute YouTube video on managing bedbugs without pesticides ![]() |
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Effect of Weatherization Combined With Community Health Worker In-Home Education on Asthma Control Publish Date: 2014-02 Author/Source: Jill Breysse, MHS, CIH, Sherry Dixon, PhD, Joel Gregory, Miriam Philby, David E. Jacobs, PhD, CIH, and James Krieg Description: We assessed the benefits of adding weatherization-plus-health interventions to an in-home, community health worker (CHW) education program on asthma control State/Region: National |
183. |
Preventing or Mitigating Potential Negative Impacts of Pesticides on Pollinators Using Integrated Pest Management and Other Conservation Practices Publish Date: 2014-02 Author/Source: USDA and Xerces Society Description: This technical note is designed to help conservation planners use the NRCS conservation planning process to prevent or mitigate pest management risks to pollinators and pollinator habitat. States/Regions: Mid-Atlantic, National, New England, Northeast, Southeast ![]() |
184. |
Inactivation of dust mites, dust mite allergen, and mold from carpet Publish Date: 2014-01-27 Author/Source: Kee-Hean Onga, Roger D. Lewisa, Anupma Dixita, Maureen MacDonalda, Mingan Yanga & Zhengmin Qiana Description: Carpets were randomly assigned to one of the four moderately low-hazard, nondestructive methods which were selected as treatments: vacuuming, steam-vapor, Neem oil (a natural tree extract) and benzalkonium chloride (a quaternary ammonium compound). State/Region: National |
185. |
Population variation in and selection for resistance to pyrethroid-neonicotinoid insecticides in the bed bug Publish Date: 2014-01-13 Author/Source: Scientific Reports | Article Open Print Email Share/bookmark Population variation in and selection for resistance to pyrethroid-neonicotinoid insecticides in the bed bug Jennifer R. Gordon, Mark H. Goodman, Michael F. Potte Description: Pyrethroid resistance in bed bugs, Cimex lectularius, has prompted a change to combination products that include a pyrethroid and a neonicotinoid. State/Region: National ![]() |
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Ear Mange Mites (Notoedres muris) in Black and Norway Rats (Rattus rattus and Rattus norvegicus) from Inner-City Vancouver, Canada Publish Date: 2014-01 Author/Source: Anholt, H., C. Himsworth, J. Rothenburger, H. Proctor, and D.M. Patric Description: This is the first report of N. muris in Canada. The focal distribution of N. muris at the port may reflect an importation event. State/Region: International ![]() |
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An Inexpensive Feeding Bioassay Technique for Stored-Product Insects Publish Date: 2014 Author/Source: Erin L. Clark , Rylee Isitt , Erika Plettner , Paul G. Fields , and Dezene P.W. Huber Description: We used the red flour beetle, Tribolium castaneum Herbst (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae), to compare three feeding bioassay techniques using flour disks. The area (scanner or digital photographs) and mass (sensitive balance) of the same flour disks were measured daily for 1 or 2 wk to assess feeding by insects State/Region: National ![]() |
188. |
Apple IPM: Pest Insect and Disease Biology and Monitoring Publish Date: 2014 Author/Source: Douglas G. Pfeiffer, The Virginia Fruit Web Site States/Regions: Northeast, West Virginia ![]() |
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Biopesticide Grant Funded Database Publish Date: 2014 Author/Source: IR-4 Project, Rutgers University Description: Search the records of IR-4 funded biopesticide projects since 1983. You can further limit your search by year funded, stage of funding, investigator, and PR number. Each funded project has useful information including the title and statement of work to help the viewer determine the objective of the investigator. Links to final reports are available for review. State/Region: National |
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Brown Marmorated Stink Bug Management Guidelines Publish Date: 2014 Description: This resource describes options for managing brown marmorated stink bug in gardens and landscapes. Solutions are focused on California, but general info may be applicable to other states. State: California |
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Building Sustainable Farms, Ranches and Communities Publish Date: 2014 Author/Source: SARE Description: This guide lists funding opportunities offered by federal programs, and is indispensable for anyone seeking government help to foster their innovative enterprise in forestry and agriculture. |
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Climate Change Indicators in the United States, 2014 Publish Date: 2014 Author/Source: US EPA Description: The third edition of the Indicators report adds additional years of data and four new indicators: Lyme disease, heating and cooling degree days, wildfires, and water level and temperature in the Great Lakes. States/Regions: Mid-Atlantic, National, Northeast, Southeast ![]() |
193. |
Corn Rootworm Management in the Transgenic Era Publish Date: 2014 Description: Webinar State/Region: National ![]() |
194. |
Crop-Emptying Rate and the Design of Pesticide Risk Assessment Schemes in the Honey Bee and Wild Bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae) Publish Date: 2014 Author/Source: Alice Fournie, Orianne Rollin, Violette Le Féon, Axel Decourtye, and Mickaël Henry Description: Sublethal effects were liable to cause homing failure in forager honey bees, with possible consequences for the colony as a whole. Similarly, sublethal pesticide exposures in bumble bees might cause severe slowdown in the dynamics of colonies, with reduced queen production, brood development, and worker foraging performance. Nonetheless, investigation of sublethal effects still remains incidental in the current pesticide testing schemes, and toxicity on bees other than the honey bee is not covered in conventional risk assessment. There is uncertainty regarding the extent to which the honey bee can serve as surrogate for the many other bee species. ![]() |
195. |
Evaluation of Synergized Pyrethrin Aerosol for Control of Tribolium castaneum and Tribolium confusum (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) Publish Date: 2014 Author/Source: Kabita Kharel , Frank H. Arthur , Kun Yan Zhu , James F. Campbell , and Bhadriraju Subramanyam Description: Aerosol insecticides are being used in flour mill pest management programs, but there is limited information on their efficacy on different insect life stages. In this study, we evaluated the efficacy of synergized pyrethrin applied as an aerosol against eggs, larvae, pupae, and adults of the red flour beetle, Tribolium castaneum (Herbst), and the confused flour beetle, Tribolium confusum Jacquelin du Val. State/Region: National ![]() |
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Field and Laboratory Efficacy of Three Insecticides for Population Management of the Asian Cockroach Publish Date: 2014 Author/Source: Edward T. Snoddy and Arthur G. Appel Description: Toxicity, repellency, and performance of three insecticides, ?-cyfluthrin EC, fipronil granules, and an essential oil EC formulation, were evaluated against the Asian cockroach, Blattella asahinai Mizukubo, in field and laboratory experiments. State/Region: National ![]() |
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Grape IPM Publish Date: 2014 Author/Source: Douglas G. Pfeiffer, Virginia Tech Description: Topics for IPM in grapes and vineyards include: pest biology, trap data, biological control, chemical control, and mating disruption. State: Virginia |
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Guide to Controlling Weeds in Cool Season Turf (PDF) Publish Date: 2014 Author/Source: Debra Ricigliano State: Maryland |
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Home and Garden Information Center - Plant Diagnostics Publish Date: 2014 Author/Source: University of Maryland Home and Garden Information Center Description: The Plant Diagnostic Laboratory provides plant problem diagnosis for all crops. Most diagnoses are based on microscopic examination of the specimen and visual identification or culture of plant pathogens such as fungi, bacteria and nematodes. Identifications of plants, insects and mites attacking plants are also performed. State: Maryland ![]() |
200. |
Influences of Pyriproxyfen on Fecundity and Reproduction of the Pharaoh Ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae Publish Date: 2014 Author/Source: JIA-WEI TAY AND CHOW-YANG LEE Description: Pyriproxyfen signiÞcantly reduced egg production in Pharaoh Ant queens from week 3 onwards. States/Regions: International, Southeast ![]() |
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