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101. |
Cockroaches traverse crevices, crawl rapidly in confined spaces, and inspire a soft, legged robot Publish Date: 2015-12-29 Author/Source: Kaushik Jayarama and Robert J. Full Description: Once inside vertically confined spaces, cockroaches still locomoted rapidly at 20 body lengths per second using an unexplored mode of locomotion—body-friction legged crawling. Cockroach exoskeletons provided inspiration for a soft, legged search-and-rescue robot that may penetrate rubble generated by tornados, earthquakes, or explosions. States/Regions: Mid-Atlantic, National, New England, Northeast, Southeast ![]() |
102. | Publish Date: 2015-11-20 Author/Source: Insu Koha,1, Eric V. Lonsdorfa,b, Neal M. Williamsc, Claire Brittainc, Rufus Isaacsd, Jason Gibbsd, and Taylor H. Ricketts Description: We use a spatial habitat model, national land-cover data, and carefully quantified expert knowledge to estimate wild bee abundance and associated uncertainty. Between 2008 and 2013, modeled bee abundance declined across 23% of US land area. This decline was generally associated with conversion of natural habitats to row crops. States/Regions: International, Mid-Atlantic, National, New England, Northeast, Southeast ![]() |
103. |
The Role of Tourism and Recreation in the Spread of Non-Native Species: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Publish Date: 2015-10-20 Author/Source: Lucy G. Anderson, Steve Rocliffe, Neal R. Haddaway, Alison M. Dunn Description: We conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis to determine the impact of tourism and outdoor recreation on non-native species in terrestrial, marine and freshwater environments. States/Regions: Mid-Atlantic, National, New England, Southeast ![]() |
104. |
Mark-Release-Recapture Reveals Extensive Movement of Bed Bugs (Cimex lectularius L.) within and between Apartments Publish Date: 2015-09-15 Author/Source: Richard Cooper, Changlu Wang, Narinderpal Singh Description: We investigated bed bug movement within and between apartments using mark-release-recapture (m-r-r) technique combined with apartment-wide monitoring using pitfall-style interceptors. Bed bugs were collected, marked, and released in six apartments. The distribution of marked and unmarked bed bugs in these apartments and their 24 neighboring units were monitored over 32 days. Extensive movement of marked bed bugs within and between apartments occurred regardless of the number of bed bugs released or presence/absence of a host. States/Regions: International, Mid-Atlantic, National, New England, Northeast, Southeast ![]() |
105. |
Using research and education to implement practical bed bug control programs in multifamily housing Publish Date: 2015-09-01 Author/Source: Gary W Bennett, Ameya D Gondhalekar, Changlu Wang, Grzegorz Buczkowski andTimothy J Gibb Description: Research conducted in the past 8 years has consistently proven that integrated pest management (IPM) is the best approach for successful suppression of bed bug infestations. States/Regions: Mid-Atlantic, National, New England, Northeast, Southeast ![]() |
106. |
Residentail Exposure to Pesticide During Childhood and Childhood Cancers: A Meta-Analysis Publish Date: 2015-07-07 Author/Source: Mei chen, Chi-Hsuam Chang, Lin Tao, Chensheng Lu Description: Results from this meta-analysis indicated that children exposed to indoor insecticides would have a higher risk of childhood hematopoietic cancers. States/Regions: International, Mid-Atlantic, National, New England, Northeast, Southeast |
107. |
A Review of Long-Term Organic Comparison Trials in the U.S. Publish Date: 2015-06-20 Author/Source: Kathleen Delate, Cynthia Cambardella, Craig Chase, Robert Turnbull Description: All experiments chosen for this review were transdisciplinary in nature; analyzed comprehensive system components (productivity, soil health, pest status, and economics); and contained all crops within each rotation and cropping system each year to ensure the most robust analysis. States/Regions: International, Mid-Atlantic, National, New England, Northeast, Southeast |
108. |
E-commerce trade in invasive plants Publish Date: 2015-06-15 Author/Source: Franziska Humair, Luc Humair, Fabian Kuhn and Christoph Kueffer Description: Our results indicate that biosecurity is not effectively regulating online plant trade. In the future, automated monitoring of e-commerce may help prevent the spread of invasive species, provide information on emerging trade connectivity across national borders, and be used in horizon scanning exercises for early detection of new species and their geographic source areas in international trade. States/Regions: International, Mid-Atlantic, National, New England, Northeast, Southeast |
109. |
Negative effects of pesticides on wild bee communities can be buffered by landscape context Publish Date: 2015-06-03 Author/Source: Mia G. Park, E. J. Blitzer, Jason Gibbs, John E. Losey, Bryan N. Danforth Description: Here, we assess the effect of conventional pesticide use on the wild bee community visiting apple (Malus domestica) within a gradient of percentage natural area in the landscape. States/Regions: Mid-Atlantic, National, New England, Northeast, Southeast ![]() |
110. |
Financial competitiveness of organic agriculture on a global scale Publish Date: 2015-05-01 Author/Source: David W. Crowdera,1 and John P. Reganoldb Description: Although organic agriculture is rapidly growing, it currently occupies only 1% of global cropland.We found that, in spite of lower yields, organic agriculture was significantly more profitable than conventional agriculture and has room to expand globally. Moreover, with its environmental benefits, organic agriculture can contribute a larger share in sustainably feeding the world. States/Regions: International, Mid-Atlantic, National, New England, Northeast, Southeast ![]() |
111. |
Using 2014 Farm Bill Programs for Pollinator Conservation (PDF) Publish Date: 2015-05-01 Author/Source: Xerces Society and NRCS Description: Authored by multiple staff at both the Xerces Society and NRCS, these guidelines provide a concise summary of how Farm Bill conservation programs, such as the Environmental Quality Incentive Program or the Conservation Reserve Program, can be used to restore or enhance habitat for pollinators on working farms and private lands. State/Region: National |
112. |
Field Study of the Comparative Efficacy of Three Pyrethroid/Neonicotinoid Mixture Products for the Control of the Common Bed Bug, Cimex lectularius (PDF) Publish Date: 2015-03-18 Author/Source: Changlu Wang, Narinderpal Singh and Richard Cooper Description: We evaluated three integrated bed bug management strategies in apartments, each using the same non-chemical control methods and one of the three insecticide mixture products: States/Regions: Mid-Atlantic, National, New England, Northeast, Southeast ![]() |
113. |
Role of Vision and Mechanoreception in Bed Bug, Cimex lectularius L. Behavior (PDF) Publish Date: 2015-03-06 Author/Source: Narinderpal Singh, Changlu Wang, Richard Cooper Description: We investigated bed bug vision by determining their responses to different colors, vertical objects, and their ability to detect colors and vertical objects under low and complete dark conditions. Results show black and red paper harborages are preferred compared to yellow, green, blue, and white harborages. A bed bug trapping device with a black or red exterior surface was significantly more attractive to bed bugs than that with a white exterior surface. Bed bugs exhibited strong orientation behavior toward vertical objects. States/Regions: Mid-Atlantic, National, New England, Northeast, Southeast ![]() |
114. |
Conversación Intima entre Amigas sobre las Chinches de Cama - Bed Bug Conversation between Friends (Spanish) Publish Date: 2015-02-10 Author/Source: PA IPM Program (Penn State University) Description: Maria Gorgo-Gourovitch, PA IPM's Hispanic Outreach Coordinator, and Lisette Rivera, a child care consultant, were filmed having a "conversation" about bed bugs and a sensible response. State/Region: Northeast ![]() |
115. |
IPM for Childcare Centers: Inspecting Your Facility Inside and Out Publish Date: 2015-02-10 Author/Source: PA IPM Program (Penn State University) Description: Follow along with a pest management professional as he does an IPM inspection at a child care facility. State/Region: Northeast |
116. |
Protecting Our Environment through Pesticide Stewardship: IPM Is Fundamental Wherever Pests Must Be Controlled Publish Date: 2015-02-10 Author/Source: National Association of Conservation Districts Description: The key principles behind a sound IPM approach. States/Regions: Mid-Atlantic, National, New England, Northeast, Southeast |
117. |
Evaluation of a model community-wide bed bug management program in affordable housing Publish Date: 2015-01-31 Author/Source: Cooper, R., C. Wang, and N. Singh Description: We developed, implemented and evaluated a complex-wide IPM program for bed bugs in an affordable housing community. Proactive inspections and biweekly treatments using a combination of non-chemical and chemical methods until bed bugs were not detected for three biweekly monitoring visits were key elements of the IPM program. States/Regions: Mid-Atlantic, National, New England, Northeast, Southeast ![]() |
118. |
Indoor Environmental Exposures and Exacerbation of Asthma: An Update to the 2000 Review by the Institute of Medicine Publish Date: 2015-01 Author/Source: Watcharoot Kanchongkittiphon, Mark J. Mendell, Jonathan M. Gaffin, Grace Wang, and Wanda Phipatanakul Description: Peer-reviewed articles published from 2000 to 2013 on indoor exposures and exacerbation of asthma were identified through PubMed, from reference lists, and from authors’ files. Articles that focused on modifiable indoor exposures in relation to frequency or severity of exacerbation of asthma were selected for review. Research findings were reviewed and summarized with consideration of the strength of the evidence. States/Regions: Mid-Atlantic, National, New England, Northeast, Southeast |
119. |
Asymmetric effects of native and exotic invasive shrubs on ecology of the West Nile virus vector Culex pipiens (Diptera: Culicidae) Publish Date: 2015-006-1 Author/Source: Allison M. Gardner, Brian F. Allan, Lauren A. Frisbie and Ephantus J. Muturi Description: Exotic invasive plants alter the structure and function of native ecosystems and may influence the distribution and abundance of arthropod disease vectors by modifying habitat quality. This study investigated how invasive plants alter the ecology of Culex pipiens, an important vector of West Nile virus (WNV) in northeastern and midwestern regions of the United States. States/Regions: Mid-Atlantic, New England, Northeast, Southeast ![]() |
120. |
A Toolkit for Assessing IPM Outcomes and Impacts Publish Date: 2015 Author/Source: IPM Adoption and Impacts Assessment Work Group Description: This resource is designed for researchers and extension scientists with little or no prior training in evaluation or social sciences, as an aid to developing and implementing evaluation for IPM projects. State/Region: National |
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