Integrated Pest Management Insights

July 1, 2008
Reading, Writing, and IPM

Teaching IPM concepts to school children has emerged as a strategy that prepares all citizens to make decisions that safeguard the environment and human health.

July 1, 2008
Educator Exchange Grants

The Northeast Vegetable IPM Working Group has offered an Educator Exchange Program that helps agricultural professionals attend meetings about IPM practices in vegetables and strawberries, and then share what they’ve learned.

July 1, 2008
IPM Partnership Program Supports 24 New Projects in 2008

In 2008, the Northeastern IPM Center awarded nearly $475,000 to support the following research and outreach projects in northeastern states.

February 2, 2008
In Hot Water

Portable immersion system thwarts pests of ornamental plants. In the $10 billion U.S. nursery industry, getting stock plant cuttings off to a pest-free start can prevent costly infestations and pesticide treatments later.

February 2, 2008
Resistance Is Futile

… or at least diminished, thanks to reduced-area treatments on potatoes. Entomologist Andrei Alyokhin led a team of researchers who reduced the amount of imidacloprid used on potato crops, treating only selected areas on the perimeter of the field.

February 2, 2008
IPM Hits Us Where We Live!

Sustainable lawns at the U.S. Botanic Garden; Practicing IPM at home protects water quality; Reducing health risks for public housing residents.

References July 2016

References from the July 2016 issue of IPM Insights about IPM and organic farming.