Integrated Pest Management Insights

January 26, 2015
Published Grants Expert Jana Hexter Named Grants and Partnerships Coordinator

The Northeastern IPM Center has a new grants and partnerships coordinator. Jana Hexter joins the staff and fills a key position at the Center.

December 29, 2014
Celebrate National Vinegar Day by Using Trap This Invasive Fly

If you have any raspberry-infused vinegar on your shelf, you might already know about the invasive spotted wing drosophila and how raspberry growers are worried about it.

December 19, 2014
How to Trap Spotted Wing Drosophila

Catch spotted wing drosophila by placing homemade kombucha in a trap made from a two-liter bottle.

November 7, 2014
Susannah Reese Named StopPests Program Coordinator

Six months after joining the Northeastern IPM Center as a consultant and trainer, Susannah Reese will lead the StopPests in Housing Program as its program coordinator.

October 31, 2014
Our Story on Spotted Wing Drosophila an Example of Successful IPM

A story Chris Gonzales wrote about our team’s work on spotted wing drosophila now appears in eLS, published through Wiley and Sons.

September 29, 2014
IPM Resources Fall 2014

Resources from the Fall 2014 issue of IPM Insights.

September 29, 2014
From Asia: Sustainable Insights into Stink Bugs

A collection of articles originally published in Asia yields a bounty of insights into the brown marmorated stink bug.

September 23, 2014
Thousands of People Line Up for Bed Bug Webinar

Over 3,000 people registered for a recent webinar on bed bugs hosted by the StopPests in Housing Program of the Northeastern IPM Center.

September 22, 2014
Pest Managers on Green Roofs: Think Before You Jump

Pests find their way onto green roofs just fine, no matter the size and height.

September 22, 2014
Fall 2014 Download

The Fall 2014 issue of IPM Insights is now available as a downloadable e-book.

August 14, 2014
Pest Management Information in Spanish

The Northeastern IPM Center is publishing a growing collection of information about pests in both English and Spanish. Recent additions to the collection are a page dedicated to brown marmorated stink bug (BMSB) and database of IPM resources.

August 14, 2014
Informate Sobre el Manejo Sano de Plagas

El Northeastern IPM Center publica una colección de información sobre las plagas en inglés y español. Adiciones recientes incluyen una página dedicada al chinche apestoso marrón marmolado (CAMM) y una base de datos sobre el manejo integrado de plagas (MIP).

July 2, 2014
Tick Management Tips

Many people have tick management on their minds these days, given the risk of tick-borne illnesses such as Lyme and babesiosis.

June 10, 2014
2014 Funded Partnership Projects to Target Invasives, Reach Latinos

In 2014, the Northeastern IPM Center awarded $300,000 for research and outreach through IPM Partnership Grants.

May 20, 2014
New Opportunities in National Pest Management Program

On May 19, the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture released their Request for Applications for the 2014 Crop Protection and Pest Management Program.

May 6, 2014
New StopPests Team Member Leaving Garden to Tackle Pests in Affordable Housing

The newest member to join the StopPests team is bringing her experience with horticulture to affordable housing.

April 30, 2014
Schools Find Online School IPM Best Management Practices Worth the Investment in Time and Training

Ninety-three percent of participants in trainings and focus groups felt that the investment of time and training for IPM best management practices would be worth the effort for schools.

April 30, 2014
Newly Developed Biopesticide Effectively Kills Bed Bugs

A team led by Nina Jenkins, Penn State, has found that the fungal biopesticide I93-825 spray is effective against bed bugs.

March 19, 2014
IPM in Childcare

Training participants substantially increased their knowledge of integrated pest management and green cleaning.

March 12, 2014
Videos Teach Growers about Stink Bug Threat

Growers discuss the threat of damage in the recent video series, “Tracking the Brown Marmorated Stink Bug,” available for free on YouTube.