Integrated Pest Management Insights

July 6, 2016
IPM and Organic Moving Forward Together
IPM and Organic Moving Forward Together

Is it time to re-assess and re-label both IPM and organic as ecologically-based?

July 6, 2016
IPM and Organic: Both Are Ecologically-Based Growing
IPM and Organic: Both Are Ecologically-Based Growing

The first infographic in our set of four about IPM and organic farming.

July 6, 2016
Eco-Growing: IPM and Organic Meet Needs
Eco-Growing: IPM and Organic Meet Needs

The second infographic in our set of four about IPM and organic farming.

July 6, 2016
Common Priorities of IPM and Organic
Common Priorities of IPM and Organic

The fourth infographic in our set of four explores the common priorities of IPM and organic farming.

July 6, 2016
IPM and Organic: Limitations, Commonalities, and Differences
IPM and Organic: Limitations, Commonalities, and Differences

The third infographic in our set of four explores the limitations, commonalities, and differences of IPM and organic farming.

July 6, 2016
July 2016 Download

The July 2016 issue of IPM Insights on IPM and Organic is now available as a downloadable PDF.

April 14, 2016
We'll Be at the Following Conferences. Will You?

Our Center has identified five conferences that fit each of our Signature Programs. Check out our infographic to find out when we will be at a conference near you.

April 14, 2016
A Brief History of Resistance
A Brief History of Resistance

We hear increasingly about resistance by insects, weeds, and diseases to human-made attempts to control them.

April 14, 2016
Eco Solutions Answer to Herbicide Resistance
Eco Solutions Answer to Herbicide Resistance

David Mortensen has studied the dramatic rise in the number and extent of weed species resistant to glyphosate, a widely-used herbicide.

April 14, 2016
Antibiotic-Resistant Fire Blight
Antibiotic-Resistant Fire Blight

Since 1972, streptomycin resistance of Erwinia amylovora in apples has spread, making control of fire blight even more difficult.

April 14, 2016
End of an Era of Easy Pest Solutions
End of an Era of Easy Pest Solutions

The Colorado potato beetle attacks one of Maine’s most reliable and stable crops, and its resistance to insecticides is now prevalent.

April 12, 2016
Photographers Lift Pests' Poise

The Bugwood Network archives and catalogs high-quality images of pests by taxonomic category.

April 12, 2016
Resources April 2016

Resources from the April 2016 issue of IPM Insights.

April 12, 2016
2016 Partnership Grants Announced

In 2016, the Northeastern IPM Center awarded more than $250,000 for research and outreach through its competitive IPM Partnership Grants program.

April 12, 2016
April 2016 Download

The April 2016 issue of IPM Insights on Pest Resistance is now available as a downloadable PDF.

January 14, 2016
Scientist Sees Weeds as Indicators of Climate Change
Scientist Sees Weeds as Indicators of Climate Change

People allergic to ragweed suffer weeks of coughing, sneezing, and plain misery.

January 14, 2016
Climate Change and uh, Hopperburners? – Arriving
Climate Change and uh, Hopperburners? – Arriving

Growers call it “hopperburn,” and scientists warn it’s a sign of things to come.

January 14, 2016
Resources January 2016
Resources January 2016

Resources from the January 2016 issue of IPM Insights.

January 14, 2016
January 2016 Download
January 2016 Download

The January 2016 issue of IPM Insights on Climate and Pests is now available as a downloadable e-book.

January 14, 2016
Climate Change Is the Elephant in the Room
Climate Change Is the Elephant in the Room

I recently talked to a scientist and a corporate official about climate change, and it reminded me of the story about the blind people describing an elephant.