2016 IPM Online Conference
The second annual IPM Online Conference, hosted by the Northeastern IPM Center (NEIPMC), featured updates from active projects funded by the Northeastern IPM Center’s Partnership Grants Program and from IPM-related projects funded through the Northeast Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (NE SARE) Program and USDA-NIFA’s Applied Research and Development Program (ARDP) and Extension Implementation Program (EIP).
The rapid style conference featured 5-minute presentations in which the speakers discussed one or two highlights from their projects. The purpose of the conference was to learn about IPM-related research, education, and extension currently taking place in and around the Northeast.
Click on one of the video thumbnails below to launch the player, or watch the playlist on YouTube.
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Part 1

Steve Young: Introduction |
Jody Gangloff-Kaufmann: Pest exclusion in multi-family residences (NEIMPC, Cornell University) |
Thomas Mather: TickSpotters - Improving tick literacy and encouraging TickSmart behaviors (NEIPMC, University of Rhode Island) |
Robyn Underwood: Organic vs. conventional beekeeping practices (NEIPMC, University of Maryland) |
Quan Zeng: Streptomycin sensitivity in fire blight pathogen populations in New England (NEIPMC, Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station) |
Part 2

Kate Harms: Investigating bat activity in various agricultural landscapes to develop organic insect pest management (NE SARE, Rodale Institute) |
Darcy Telenko: Minimizing wildlife impacts on yield and food safety risk in vegetables by utilizing repellency tactics (NE SARE, NYFVI, CCE Cornell Vegetable Program) |
Donna Ellis: CPPM-EIP update for Connecticut (CPPM-EIP, University of Connecticut) |
Part 3

Ana Legrand: Identification of insectary plants for conservation biocontrol (NEIPMC, University of Connecticut) |
Kirby Stafford: Overwintering survival of the blacklegged tick (NEIPMC, University of Connecticut Agricultural Experimental Station) |
John Jemison: Why forage growers have turned to no-till production (NEIPMC, University of Maine Cooperative Extension) |
Hilary Sandler: Corn gluten meal for weed control in cranberry (NEIPMC, NE SARE, EIPM, University of Massachusetts) |
Part 4

Sarah Pethybridge, Adrienne Gorny: Site-specific risk management for losses caused by plant-parasitic nematodes (NE SARE, Cornell University, Geneva) |
Christy Hoepting: Prevention of Brassica cover crop losses from new invasive species, swede midge on at-risk small-scale organic farms (NE SARE, Cornell Vegetable Program) |
Katie Campbell-Nelson: New England fruit and vegetable scouting network (NEIPMC, NE SARE, UMass Vegetable Program) |
Mahfuz Rahman: Organically acceptable treatments reduce soilborne tomato diseases and improve yield (NE SARE, West Virginia University) |
Erika Saalau-Rojas: Cranberry fruit rot working group update (NEIPM, UMass Amherst) |
Part 5

Yolanda Chen: Determining the feasibility of pheromone mating disruption for managing swede midge damage (ARDP, NE SARE, University of Vermont) |
Donna Foulk: Managing equine resistant parasites using a whole farm approach (NE SARE, Penn State) |
Susan Scheufele: Pepper weevil pathways in New Jersey (NE SARE, UMass Extension) |
Peter Jentsch: Managing spotted wing drosophila using attract and kill stations in New York (NE SARE, Cornell University) |
Ashley Leach: Optimizing soil fertility for managing onion thrips in onion (NE SARE, Cornell University) |