IPM News and Events Roundup 9/9/2022
A weekly collection of IPM news, webinars, employment, funding opportunities, and more from the Northeastern IPM Center
If you have IPM-related research, events, or other IPM news you would like to have included, please email Jerrie Haines at jlh472@cornell.edu. If you would like to subscribe to the weekly Roundup, please email northeastipm@cornell.edu. Past Roundups are archived on our website.
Award Announcements
NIFA Invests $9M in Crop Protection and Pest Management Program
NIFA has invested $9 million in the Crop Protection and Pest Management (CPPM) Program, which addresses critical state, regional and national integrated pest management (IPM) needs to ensure food security and respond effectively to other major societal pest management challenges. The CPPM program supports projects that address these challenges with IPM approaches developed by coordinated state, regional, and national research, and extension efforts. In FY 2022, NIFA funded 20 projects in the Applied Research and Development Program area, and four projects in the Regional Coordination Program area of the CPPM program.
2022 Outstanding Achievements in IPM Award
We are now accepting nominations for this year’s Outstanding Achievements in Integrated Pest Management Award, which aims to recognize one professional and one student based on their efforts and accomplishments in IPM. Winners receive $500 each and agree to provide a story for the Northeastern IPM Center website and/or newsletter and social media outlets, and/or to present a webinar hosted by the Northeastern IPM Center.
We are seeking nominations of growers, consultants, researchers, educators, managers, and college/university students in the Northeast region. To submit a nomination, you must be a grower, consultant, researcher, educator, or manager working in IPM. Alternatively, you may co-nominate with someone who meets those criteria.
Learn more or submit a nomination.
Deadline has been Extended!
Nominations now due by Friday, October 21, 2022.
This fall, the Northeastern IPM Center will launch a series of webinars to highlight and foster diversity in integrated pest management (IPM). We have invited presenters from historically marginalized groups to discuss topics related to their research, or to share their perspectives on overcoming barriers and succeeding in their chosen profession.
Evaluating IWM Approaches for Maryland and Mid-Atlantic Vegetable Production Systems
September 12, 2022, 11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Register at cornell.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_wEn1MDzDSG-wM5o-pBYimw
As I Heal, So Does the Land: A Story About Blackness, Conservation, and Healing in America
October 4, 2022, 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Register at cornell.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_dmqLwZ1pTF2n0wIlSUchVw
October 5, 2022, 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Register at cornell.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_RCI8senWTVqndt85FCP5CA
December 7, 2022, 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Register at cornell.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_s3qDbj5hQoCrFDCJsaN-Cw
Connect with the Northeastern IPM Center
Website | Facebook | Twitter | YouTube
Spotted Lanternfly Outreach
StopSLF.org (hosted by NE IPM Center)
Helpful links:
New York State Integrated Pest Management
NYS Department of Agriculture and Markets
Have you seen a SLF check sheet
To help in the tracking of SLF in NYS, we are looking for dates of first observed egg masses this summer or fall. If/when you find an egg mass, please send a quick email to, Dan Olmstead @ dlo6@cornell.edu with date of detection and location (lat,lon). We need to validate and adjust the new SLF tracking model available here https://newa.cornell.edu/spotted-lanternfly which is based on 2021 published research.
Research in the News
PestTalks September 7th Issue (GrowerTalks)
Crapemyrtle Bark Scale Egg Production is Near
Crapemyrtle Bark Scale Life History is Revealed
The 2023 GrowerTalks Insecticide, Miticide & Fungicide Guide
Veterinary Medicine Offers Potential as New Tool to Reduce Lyme Disease (Entomology Today | September 1, 2022)
To explore a potential new control strategy, researchers at the University of Montreal and the Public Health Agency of Canada examined the following question: If Peromyscus mice are dosed with fluralaner, a medication for tick and flea control on dogs, will the number of ticks on the mice be reduced?
Long Live the Queen (Science.org | September 1, 2022)
A trade-off between reproduction and lifespan occurs across most living organisms. An exception is insects such as ants, in which reproductive activity is limited to one or a few “queens” that live much longer than nonreproductive “workers.” Studying a pseudo-queen state of the ant Harpegnathos saltator, Yan et al. found that the insulin and insulin-like growth factor signaling pathway was activated to promote reproduction, which also shortened life span. The authors propose that one branch of this pathway, mediated by the protein kinase Akt, is suppressed in the fat body and some ovarian tissues. Increased production of a protein that binds insulin-like molecules in the hemolymph might account for the difference that allowed the longer life span of the pseudo-queen. —LBR
Juicy Research Unearths New Genome within the Tomato Family (Morning Ag Clips | September 1, 2022)
Hidden beneath the delicate, red skin and juicy flesh of a tomato is a wealth of nutrients and genetic makeup. With recent research on the first genome of a species in the tomatillo tribe (part of the tomato family), we now have a better idea of how this vital plant family came to be.
OSU and Washington Apple Growers Tackle Destructive Pest Using IPM (Statesman Journal | September 4, 2022)
More a strategy than specific tool, Integrated Pest Management (IPM) focuses on a stable of techniques, in addition to pesticides, to control pest populations. These include the introduction of natural predators, habitat modification and genetic tinkering.
Other News
Read what’s happening out West with September’s Newsletter from the Western Integrated Pest Management Center
Invaders for Sale: The Ongoing Spread of Invasive Species by the Plant Trade Industry
The sale of ornamental nonnative plants is a primary pathway of invasive plant introduction into the US. As a result, many nonnative plants have been identified as noxious weeds by federal and state governments, or as problematic invasive plants by agencies and nonprofit organizations. However, it is unclear whether identifying a species as invasive has curtailed its sale as an ornamental.
Classical Weed Biocontrol Factsheets Released for Landowners and Weed Managers (NAISMA | August 31, 2022)
The North American Invasive Species Management Association (NAISMA) Classical Biocontrol Committee is excited to announce the publication of new, peer-reviewed weed biocontrol factsheets for use by managers and landowners. Subject matter experts are developing this series to cover invasive plants and their associated biological control agents in North America. Eighty factsheets for 40 weed systems will soon be published and freely available online. Factsheets for 15 weed systems are available now.
Boy’s Discovery Reveals Highly Complex Plant-Insect Interaction (Penn State | September 1, 2022)
When 8-year-old Hugo Deans discovered a handful of BB-sized objects lying near an ant nest beneath a log in his backyard, he thought they were a type of seed. His father, Andrew Deans, professor of entomology at Penn State, however, knew immediately what they were — oak galls, or plant growths triggered by insects. What he didn’t realize right away was that the galls were part of an elaborate relationship among ants, wasps and oak trees, the discovery of which would turn a century of knowledge about plant-insect interactions on its head.
Wasp Blog (Xerces Society | September 6, 2022)
As the end of summer approaches, people often observe an uptick in visitors to backyards and parks — wasps! Despite their reputation for stinging people while sneaking sips of soda, only a few wasp species create conflict with people. As a group, wasps have incredibly diverse life histories. They are predators or parasitoids of a variety of pest insects, pollinate flowers, and play an essential role in home yards and broader ecosystems.
Deadly Bird Flu Returns to the Midwest Earlier than Expected (AP News | August 31, 2022)
Across the country, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, 414 flocks in 39 states have been affected since February, costing producers over 40 million birds, mostly commercial turkeys and chickens. The disease has struck 81 Minnesota flocks this year, requiring the killing of nearly 2.7 million birds.
Minnesota produces more turkeys annually than any other state.
Summer Drought Will Lower Crop Yields this Autumn (WJACTV.com | September 2, 2022)
As we enter the autumn harvest season, some area farmers and experts from the DEP and the Pennsylvania State University told 6 News on Friday this dry summer means crops — for example, corn — could grow shorter stalks, grow smaller ears, and yield less produce overall.
Greenhouse Integrated Pest Management Starts with Housekeeping (University of Massachusetts Amherst)
Attention to greenhouse sanitation and disinfecting are steps that growers can take between crop cycles. Some growers wait until the week before opening a greenhouse before cleaning debris from the previous growing season. It is better to clean as early as possible to eliminate over-wintering sites for pests to reduce their populations prior to the spring growing season. Pests are much easier to prevent than to cure.
Killing Invasive Species is Now a Competitive Sport (The New Yorker | September 5, 2022)
“What you’re hunting isn’t prey—it’s the enemy”
Be A Sport - Volunteer Your House Mice for Science!
The researchers will catch the mice using live traps* at city and country sites into October this year, as well as spring and summer next year. If you would like to help out by hosting a trap, email wewantmice@gmail.com.
A Survey on Rodents and Their Control in Livestock Production Facilities
This is an international collaborative research project being conducted by The University of Tokyo (Japan), National Agriculture and Food Research Organization (Japan), Japan Pest Control Association (Japan), Fordham University (USA), and Cornell University (USA). This survey is anonymous, and it will take approximately 5-10 minutes.
Herbicide Survey: Help us Identify Research Priorities (Cornell Berry Blog | September 1, 2022)
With the recent documentation of evolved herbicide resistance in New York, including Palmer amaranth (glyphosate, ALS-inhibitors), waterhemp (glyphosate, ALS-inhibitors), horseweed (glyphosate, ALS-inhibitors, paraquat), lambsquarters (bentazon), Cornell is looking to get a better feel for the current “state of the state” with respect to herbicide performance and failure. Specifically, we want to survey growers/land managers/crop consultants/extension specialists/industry personnel, etc.…, across cropped (e.g. agronomic, vegetable, fruit), ornamental/horticultural (e.g. Christmas tree farms, golf courses), and non-cropped (e.g. industrial, roadsides) systems in NY. This survey is very short and should be QUICK to answer. It is also completely ANONYMOUS. Answers will help Cornell weed scientists plan future research and extension projects. Please access the survey using the link below.
Webinars, Seminars, Meetings, and More
Identifying and Reporting Spotted Lanternfly and Tree-of-Heaven with iMapInvasives
Spotted lanternfly is out in full force in some parts of the state - luckily, we have a network of professionals and volunteers working together to monitor it's spread. Tune-in to our webinar next Wednesday to learn more about spotted lanternfly, it's preferred host plant (tree-of-heaven), and the collaborative grid square survey effort.
Note: continuing education credits will be available for NYSDEC certified pesticide applicators (1.5 credits for the following categories: 2, 3a, 9, 10), upon completion of a post-webinar quiz.
September 14, 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM
Registration is required
Identifying Invasive Sleeper Species in the Northeast Coffee Talk
What is a sleeper species? Would you like to know which plants may cause future ecological and socioeconomic harm in the Northeast (CT, ME, MA, NH, NY, RI, VT)? Join us for our upcoming coffee talk to dive into our latest Management Challenge, "Are you Sleeping? Are you Sleeping? Predicting Invasion Potential of Non-Native Plants." We will discuss the criteria we chose to make a priority sleeper species list, any questions you may bring to the table, and next steps for planning ahead.
September 13, 2022 @ 03:00 PM | Registration required for Free webinar
Upcoming Cornell Extension and Research Seminars via Zoom
September 13 – Dr. Emran Ali
8:45 - 9:45 "Integrating Stakeholder Needs into a Modern-Day IPM Program for Fruit Production" https://cornell.zoom.us/j/92106693355?pwd=bFhNelNlYXlRN25ONU40L3dHaXd3QT09
Meeting ID - 921 0669 3355
Passcode - 756506
September 15 – Dr. German Vargas
8:45 - 9:45 “A Tale of Three Pests: Exploring IPM in the Sugarcane Borers, the Banana Stem Borer, and the Hibiscus Bud Weevil”
Meeting ID - 974 4218 9251
Passcode – 738499
Pennsylvania Forest Seminar: Dormant-Season Invasive Plant Management in Forests
The end of the growing season doesn't mean the end of vegetation control efforts! The dormant season can be an advantageous time to attack some invasive and competing plants. Join us for the Pennsylvania Forest Seminar: Dormant-Season Invasive Plant Management in Forests to learn about the various control options that can be used during this time of year.
This event is being offered at no charge to participants, however, if you would like to receive Continuing Education Credits, there may be a fee. If you will be seeking credits for watching this webinar, please select which credits you wish to apply for during registration. In order to receive credits, you must watch the webinar during the live session for which you registered and attend the full session. The time in session will be verified before credits are assigned. A survey must be completed by the registrant immediately after the webinar is completed in order to receive credit.
Register here for November 8, 2022 Webinar
Join us from September 15 – 16, 2022 for two days of education and conversation about the resilience, power, and survival of the LGBTQIA+ community. Featuring in-person and virtual sessions, as well as discussions with activists Schuyler Bailar, Matt Bernstein, and Amber Briggle, SUNY SPECTRUM fosters a more inclusive and accepting environment for queer individuals navigating systems that uphold cycles of marginalization.
The hybrid event will be held at the SUNY Global Center and attendance is free for SUNY students.
If you have any questions or are a student who would like to be able to attend the conference for free, contact Johanna Kendrick-Holmes, at Johanna.Kendrick-Holmes@suny.edu.
Registration required
NPS IPM Webinar Series
The design details of buildings or landscapes can contribute greatly to pest problems and their prevention. Almost ten years ago, the City of San Francisco's IPM Program organized a national conversation entitled "Pest Prevention By Design," which resulted in the first comprehensive, peer-reviewed set of guidelines on the subject. In this session, Dr. Geiger will summarize the guidelines, their application in retrofitting the City's affordable housing projects, and lessons learned in the process.
Register here for the webinar on Tuesday, September 13th, 2022 at 11:00am MT!
Control of Invasive Animals in Protected Areas
Dr. Jennifer Sieracki, NPS
Sarah Funck, FL Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission
Learn how the U.S. National Park Service and the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission are taking action to tackle invasive animal species by preventing introduction, responding quickly to early detections, managing established populations, and working collaboratively to leverage efforts and increase success.
Join the webinar here on Monday, September 19th at 07:30am MT!
(Or send a request to IPM@nps.gov to have the invite forwarded to you)
NPS Office of Public Health Overview
NPS Office of Public Health staff
The Office of Public Health provides agency specific capabilities for parks on a range of new and evolving public health issues through Health Protection and Disease Prevention. Underlying all of its efforts, the OPH strives for a One Health model of public health practices and integrative effort of multiple disciplines, working collaboratively to attain optimal health for people, animals, and the environment.
Register here for the webinar on Tuesday, September 20th at 11:00am MT!
The health and resilience of prairies relies upon plant/animal diversity and heterogeneous habitat structure that supports that diversity. The Nature Conservancy has been long experimenting with combinations of prescribed fire and cattle grazing that provide varied habitat structure and support high plant diversity at its Platte River Prairies in Nebraska. Our treatments include grazing stocking rates that are comparable with those used by our agricultural neighbors.
September 21, 2022 @ 1:00 pm CDT
GPN Plant Health Management Week Registration
Plant Health Management Week will feature three 1-hour interactive webcasts with industry experts discussing pest control, disease management and plant growth regulators. The webcast series is interactive and designed to provide growers with the latest insight, production tips, and guidelines to grow successfully.
September 27, 2022 @ 2:00 PM
The Effects of Water Quality on Pesticide Effectiveness with Dr. Raymond Cloyd
September 28, 2022 @ 2:00 PM
Disease Management with Dr. Carrie Lapaire Harmon
September 29, 2022 @ 2:00 PM
Plant Growth Regulators with Dr. Roberto LopezWhat’s Bugging You? First Friday Events (New York State IPM Program)
Fridays | 12:00 pm. – 12:30 p.m. EDT | Zoom | Free; registration required
The first Friday of each month, spend half an hour over lunch learning about practical solutions for pest problems with the New York State IPM Program. Each presentation will end with an IPM Minute.
Register to attend these monthly events. Submit photos of how you are implementing IPM to the “IPM and You Photo Contest.”
Recordings of past presentations are also available.
Upcoming First Friday Events:
- October 7, 2022: Fall lawn IPM: managing leaves and ticks (IPM Minute: Is that a praying mantis egg case?)
- November 4, 2022: Repellents, fencing, and other IPM approaches for managing deer damage (IPM Minute: Where you chuck your pumpkins matters)
- December 2, 2022: Homeowner update on emerald ash borer management (IPM Minute: Creepy crawly Christmas—what to do if you find insects in your Christmas tree)
tHRIVe web series (Horticultural Research Institute)
Free and open to the public, registration required. Times listed are Eastern Time.
- October 4, 2022 | 10:00 a.m.: Controlling Nostoc, a slippery hazard for nursery workers
- November 3, 2022 | 11:00 a.m.: Smart Plants—Magical interactions between flowers and their pollinators
Employment Opportunities
Program Manager (Digital Navigation)
University of Maryland
Within the UME, the Tech Extension project addresses the digital divide and increases broadband adoption in Maryland. This position is an excellent opportunity for a highly motivated individual in the growing digital equity field. This Digital Navigator program manager will work on the Digital Navigation program in conjunction with Digital Literacy. Our Digital Navigator project aims: (1) to assist community residents with digital inclusion information and resources on affordable broadband access, appropriate device, and digital skills, and (2) to provide basic technical support to enhance digital access and inclusion in Maryland. Priority groups will include Maryland residents experiencing a digital divide
The program manager will closely work with Digital Literacy (Tech Extension) project director and manage a statewide digital navigation program. The position will develop partnerships with AGNR and colleges at the University of Maryland and local, state, and federal government agencies, educational institutions, non-profit organizations, faith-based groups, for-profit industry, and others.
Best consideration date: September 26, 2022
Agent Associate, 4-H Youth Development
University of Maryland
University of Maryland Extension (UME) is seeking an Educator to provide coordination and programmatic support for educational programs for youth, families, and communities. The Educator would work with volunteers and youth development agencies to provide experiential learning opportunities for youth, leading to the development of life skills for youth. The Educator is also responsible for developing an active, ongoing recruitment campaign to involve new volunteers and youth. As a professional track faculty member, the Educator will be responsible for developing youth development programs in cooperation with colleagues across the county and the Central cluster. The faculty member will be eligible for promotion per University policy and UME professional track faculty guidelines within a defined timeframe.
This position reports directly to the Maryland 4-H Program Leader and Area Extension Director.
Best consideration date: September 19, 2022
Department of Natural Resources and the Environment - Postdoctoral Associate
Cornell University
The New York Invasive Species Research Institute (NYISRI) at Cornell University in collaboration with the Northeast Regional Invasive Species and Climate Change (NE RISCC) Management Network seeks a postdoctoral scientist to develop strategies to address invasive species under climate change. The successful applicant will synthesize the relevant science, conduct surveys of existing approaches being employed by land managers and develop recommendations for climate smart invasive species management strategies. Additionally, the applicant will design pilot experiments to evaluate the effectiveness of these recommended approaches in the Northeast U.S.
The postdoctoral associate will collaborate in stakeholder-driven research together with the NYISRI, the invasive species lab of Dr. Bernd Blossey and as a member of the NE RISCC Management Network (risccnetwork.org). The RISCC Network aims to reduce the compounding effects of invasive species and climate change by synthesizing relevant science, communicating the needs of managers to researchers, building stronger scientist-manager communities, and conducting priority research. As part of RISCC, the postdoc will engage in actionable science and science communication that serves the network and NYISRI stakeholder groups.
Application deadline: October 2, 2022
Rutgers University
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, is seeking a Program Associate I for the Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources. This position will serve as the North Jersey Tree Fruit IPM Coordinator and reports to the Fruit IPM Agent in the Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Rutgers NJAES Cooperative Extension (RCE). This position provides leadership and support, in collaboration with the Fruit IPM Agent, other county faculty and specialists, in identifying and conducting integrated pest management (IPM) program needs, coordination and general program support for commercial tree fruit, grape and other fruit growers.
Application deadline October 1, 2022
Tenure Track Assistant Professor, Medical Entomology
University of Delaware
The Department of Entomology and Wildlife Ecology at the University of Delaware seeks to fill a tenure-track faculty position in Vector Biology / Medical Entomology. The position is a 9-month appointment (paid over 12 months) with responsibilities in teaching and research; responsibilities are allocated as 55% research, 40% teaching, and 5% service.
DEADLINE: Review of applications will begin 1 November 2022 with interviews in early 2023
Small Farms Program/Extension Aide III
Cornell University
This position will provide administrative, logistical, and overall support for the Small Farms Program. The Small Farms Program Administrative Assistant will be responsible for drafting correspondence, gathering information for outreach and communications, maintaining filing systems and databases, collating information for monthly reports, designing progress tracking systems and creating program reports, scheduling meetings, compiling agendas and materials, assisting with procurement, processing departmental charges and fund transfers, and supporting overall program operations.
Assistant/Associate Extension Educator in Pesticide Safety and Integrated Pest Management University of Connecticut, UConn Extension
The candidate will work in areas complementary to pesticide safety and risk assessment, including but not restricted to traditional, organic, and genetically engineered pest controls, their ecological and evolutionary impacts, regulatory issues, human health, and socio-economic effects, or related topics. The focus will be to build an Extension program creating climate and economically resilient agricultural and general pest management systems. The successful applicant will develop an interdisciplinary education and applied research program in pesticide safety addressing diverse cropping systems that include ornamental and turfgrass crops, greenhouse, food, and forage crops as well as other pest-related issues.
Application deadline October 20, 2022
Pesticide Safety Education Program Coordinator
University of California, UC ANR - Davis
This position serves as the Pesticide Safety Education Coordinator for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/U.S. Department of Agriculture (EPA/USDA) pesticide safety program, interacting with federal, state, and county personnel to ensure safe, legal, and effective pesticide use. The coordinator assists California pesticide users, especially licensed professional applicators of restricted use and general use pesticide products and private applicators (growers), with their educational needs related to pesticide pre-license and re-certification. In addition, the coordinator supports train-the-trainer needs of individuals who must train field workers and pesticide handlers, and supports UC IPM Urban and community outreach to urban audiences consumers.
Application deadline October 7, 2022
Post-Doctoral Research Associate - Beneficial Insects Lab
UMass Amherst
Conduct research on biological control of the emerald ash borer with a focus on population dynamics of both the target pests and introduced parasitoids. Research will occur both in a laboratory and in forests across the U.S and involves modeling both spatial and temporal dynamics of north American ash recovery in relation to levels of EAB infestations or densities due to the impact of both introduced and endemic natural enemies in various climatic/geographic regions in North America.
Application deadline not listed
Grape IPM Coordinator (New York State IPM Program)
Cornell University
- Announcement page: https://blogs.cornell.edu/nysipm/2022/07/01/grape-ipm-coordinator-position-opening/
- Application page: https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/21986
As an innovative and experienced educator, you will expand knowledge and access to sustainable pest management practices in grape agroecosystems. You will work collaboratively, across disciplines, and with a variety of stakeholders, to develop, demonstrate, and guide IPM implementation efforts in grapes across New York State, the third-largest wine-producing state in the nation.
Application deadline September 30, 2022.
Extension State Specialist, Soil Health
University of New Hampshire Extension
- Announcement page: https://extension.unh.edu/blog/2022/06/unh-extension-seeks-state-specialist-soil-health
- Application page: https://jobs.usnh.edu/postings/48656
The UNH Extension state specialist in soil health provides statewide leadership in soil health and fertility in agricultural systems. This is a full-time, benefits-eligible position based at the University of New Hampshire’s Durham, NH, campus. It is a non-tenure track, 100% extension appointment. The specialist will oversee the UNH Soil Testing Service, maintaining and updating associated fertility recommendations. PhD in soil science, agronomy, or a related discipline with an emphasis in soil nutrient management, soil biology, or environmental soil chemistry in preferred. A strong candidate with an MS degree and extensive experience may be considered. Contact Extension Food & Agriculture Program team leader Amy Papineau (603-272-6497, amy.papineau@unh.edu).
Open until filled.
Extension State Specialist, Entomology and Integrated Pest Management
University of New Hampshire Extension
- Announcement page: https://extension.unh.edu/blog/2022/06/unh-extension-seeks-state-specialist-entomology-integrated-pest-management
- Application page: https://jobs.usnh.edu/postings/48599
Position based at University of New Hampshire's Durham campus.
The extension state specialist in entomology and IPM provides statewide leadership in agricultural IPM, undertaking engaged outreach as the state’s IPM coordinator and serving as project director on extension’s federally funded IPM Extension Implementation Plan. This is a full-time, benefits-eligible position based at the University of New Hampshire’s Durham, NH, campus. It is a non-tenure-track, 100% extension appointment.
Open until filled.
Extension State Specialist, Plant Pathology
University of New Hampshire Extension
- Announcement page: https://extension.unh.edu/blog/2022/06/unh-extension-seeks-state-specialist-plant-pathology
- Application page: https://jobs.usnh.edu/postings/48621
The extension state specialist in plant pathology directs and operates all aspects of the UNH Plant Disease Diagnostic Lab, including diagnosis of plant health problems and communication of results, maintaining sample information and data, and supervising staff. The lab provides diagnostic services for plant health issues for commercial producers, home horticulturists, landscapers, turf managers, arborists, extension staff, state and regulatory agencies, and others, and is a member of the National Plant Diagnostic Network (NPDN). This is a full-time, benefits-eligible position located on the University of New Hampshire’s Durham, NH, campus. It is a non-tenure track, 100% extension appointment. Contact Extension Food & Agriculture Program team leader Amy Papineau (603-272-6497, amy.papineau@unh.edu)
Open until filled.
WNY PRISM is Hiring! Community Science and Engagement Program Manager
The Community Science and Engagement Program Manager (Program Manager) will work to engage community members and our partners in efforts to prevent, monitor and manage invasive species by leading education and outreach programs for WNY PRISM. This involves implementing community science programs and coordinating volunteer efforts, communication with the public and partners, event coordination (workshops, meetings and presentations), extensive record keeping, development of outreach, instructional materials and online content, coordination of social media and maintenance of the WNY PRISM website. The Program Manager will also hire, train, and supervise a seasonal Education and Outreach Assistant (May – September) who will work alongside the Program Manager to assist with tasks and lead outreach efforts
This is a full-time position located in Buffalo, NY with a target start date of October 11, 2022. The deadline for applications is Friday, September 16, 2022. Please follow all application instructions. Failure to do so may disqualify you from the position.
Tenure Track Assistant Professor
Oregon State University
Associate Professor position in the College of Agricultural Sciences and the Department of Environmental and Molecular Toxicology at Oregon State University. The focus of this tenure-track environmental toxicology and/or chemistry research and Extension position is to foster sustainable agricultural practices, as well as address stakeholder concerns for potential impacts on human and environmental health.
Full Consideration Date |
09/15/2022 |
Closing Date |
10/15/2022 |
Funding Opportunities
Farmer Grant Program - 2023 Call for Proposals
Northeast SARE offers grants to farmers to explore new concepts in sustainable agriculture conducted
through experiments, surveys, prototypes, on-farm demonstrations or other research and education
Farmer Grant projects address issues that affect farming with long-term sustainability in mind.
Competitive proposals explore new ideas and techniques or apply known ideas in new ways or with new
communities. Reviewers look to fund projects that are well-designed to meet proposed objectives and
promise the greatest benefit to farming communities.
A wide variety of topics can be funded by Northeast SARE, including marketing and business, crop
production, raising livestock, aquaculture, social sustainability, climate-smart agriculture practices, urban and Indigenous agriculture and much more.
For guidance on how to design your project, refer to SARE’s bulletin, How to Conduct Research on
Your Farm or Ranch. To see examples of funded Farmer Grant projects, visit the national SARE project
database at projects.sare.org/search-projects/.
Important Dates
The online system will open to accept proposals starting on: October 1, 2022
Proposals, with all required attachments, are due no later than: November 15, 2022, 5:00 p.m. ET
Apply Now for the Conservation Innovation Grants Classic Program
USDA will invest $15 million this year for the Conservation Innovation Grants (CIG) Classic program. Through CIG, grantees work to address our nation's water quality, water quantity, air quality, soil health and wildlife habitat challenges, all while supporting agricultural production. This year’s funding priorities are climate-smart agriculture, addressing invasive species and conservation in urban agricultural systems.??
Deadline: October 11, 2022