IPM News and Events Roundup 7/22/21
A weekly collection of IPM news, webinars, employment and funding opportunities and more from the NE IPM Center. If you have IPM-related research, events or other IPM news you would like to have included, please email me at nec2@cornell.edu. If you would like to subscribe to the weekly Roundup, please email northeastipm@cornell.edu. Past Roundups are archived here.
New SARE Bulletin Highlights Best Practices for Adult Learning
Studies show that farmers learn best through in-person, face-to-face educational programs. But learning opportunities often miss the mark due to content choice, disorganization or lack of understanding of participants’ learning styles. Educators that use best adult learning practices have a greater effect on participants’ learning and retention, and empower farmers to make sustainable changes to their operations.
A community-based PFAS phytoremediation project at the former Loring Air Force Base
The overall goal of our work is to improve the quality of the land on the former Loring AFB, which now belongs to the Aroostook band of the Micmac Nation. Specifically, we are testing the use of fiber hemp plants for phytoremediation of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). Article here.
PoaCure listed for turf in New York
The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) recently approved the registration of the golf course turf herbicides PoaCure (EPA Reg. No. 89633-4) and PoaCure SC (EPA Reg. No. 89633-5). Both products contain the active ingredient methiozolin and are the first products registered in NY containing this active ingredient.
Invasive Species:
Spotted Lanternfly News:
Spotted Lanternflies Still pose risk for Finger Lakes wines and ciders.
According to Brian Eshenaur, who coordinates New York State’s outreach effort for the spotted lanternfly, the April egg mass in Ithaca was the only one found thus far, but there were some nymphs seen in the area. “The thing about this insect is it not only lays its egg masses on trees, but also on inanimate objects such as rocks and posts, cars, under lawn furniture and those kinds of things,” Eshenaur said. “Who knows where those egg masses were that did hatch […] but just a small number of nymphs were found.” The Grace mentioned in the article is Ithaca City Forester Jeanne Grace.
Emerald Ash Borer update for Massachusetts
As of July 1st 2021, 5 new municipalities in 3 different Massachusetts counties have been confirmed to have emerald ash borer.
Browntail Moth extends area into Massachusetts
UMass Extension was recently made aware of reports of adult browntail moths coming to lights in Essex and Plymouth counties, as well as the Boston area (Chestnut Hill). While the presence of adult browntail moth in locations outside of Cape Cod represents a change in the recent historical distribution of this insect in Massachusetts, we do not believe browntail moth populations are elevated or widespread in MA at this time.
Invasive Round Goby found in the Hudson River
DEC Marine Fisheries captured four round gobies at two locations in the Hudson River approximately 12 and 25 miles downstream of the Troy dam during routine fish sampling on July 13 and 14 marking the first documented occurrence of this invasive fish in the Hudson River.
Newly Introduced Butterfly may become widespread in Canada
"The results of our study suggest that the Polyommatus icarus (P. icarus) could become widespread in the future since it prefers urban areas," said uOttawa Ph.D. student Stephanie Rivest, who is the first author of the article "Anthropogenic disturbance promotes the abundance of a newly introduced butterfly, the European common blue (Polyommatus icarus; Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae), in Canada" published in the Canadian Journal of Zoology.
USDA Agricultural Research Service announced July 14 that they have found an innovative way to treat pathogens (harmful bacteria) and pests in citrus trees, potato and tomato plants without the use of antibiotics. In collaboration with the University of Florida and AUM LifeTech Inc., researchers found that the molecule FANA ASO (antisense oligonucleotide) when used in a water solution attacks the inner part of the pest’s cells and also reduces the harmful bacteria the insects transmit. Article here.
Biology and Management of Eriophyid Mites in Turfgrass
In a new paper published this month in the open-access Journal of Integrated Pest Management, Carmen Blubaugh, Ph.D., J.C. Chong, Ph.D., and Matthew Brown review the ecology, identification, and available management strategies for turfgrass-infesting eriophyid mites. This review serves to educate turf industry professionals, improve their ability to identify mite infestations, and help them make the best pest management decisions. Article here.
Zika virus infects Aedes aegypti ovaries
Here, we show that Zika virus infects mosquito ovaries and is transmitted vertically at a low rate. The infected progeny derive from mosquitoes with infected ovaries. The prevalence of ovary infection increases after a second non-infectious blood meal following an infectious blood meal.
Webinars, Conferences, Meetings and more:
Rutgers Cooperative Extension hosts urban gardening series in Spanish, July 12 - August 9, 6:30pm ET
The interactive online sessions begin at 6:30 p.m. and participants are able to ask questions of the Rutgers experts. Topics ranging from planning a vegetable garden to extending the growing season and how to improve the soil in the vegetable garden via composting will be covered over the course of the five weekly sessions. Cecilia Diaz, agronomist and program associate with RCE of Passaic County, led the inaugural series with a presentation on planning a vegetable garden in urban spaces.
The Keys to Harvest Efficiently in the Market Garden Summer Workshop with JM Fortier - Registration is open! July 20-Aug 5
Want to learn some key strategies for harvesting with success this season? Sign up for the new 3-part online workshop from The Market Gardener, “The Keys to Harvest Efficiently in the Market Garden” to learn from Jean-Martin Fortier all about the right tools and techniques for optimizing your approach when harvesting vegetables. The workshop will start on July 20th and only be available until August 6th, so don’t miss it!
Prioritizing Nutrition Security: NIFA's Role in Cultivating Future Farmers and Ranchers, July 28, 2-3pm ET
Learn about NIFA’s Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program (BFRDP) in an upcoming webinar on Wednesday, July 28 from 2 - 3 p.m. EST. The virtual session will be led by program experts and grant awardees as they share their knowledge and personal experiences with the BFRDP program. Attendees are highly encouraged to ask questions during the live question and answer segment.
USDA Racial Justice Listening Sessions, July 28 and July 29, various times
These listening sessions will help USDA’s efforts in advancing racial justice and equity. Each speaker will have five minutes to make remarks. Your time slot will be determined on a first-come, first-served basis for when you registered for the listening sessions. A list of the speaking order will be sent to participants in advance. USDA’s Racial Equity Commission will use this information to address systemic inequities and increase participation in USDA programs, services, committees, and decision-making processes.
Connecticut Ag Experiment Station 111th Plant Science Day, Aug 4, 10-4, Lockwood Farm, Hamden, CT
Program, Barn Displays, 70 Field Plots and Exhibits, Technical Demonstrations, Plant Diagnosis and Plant Identification, Insect Identification, Questions Answered, Activities for Kids, Lockwood Farm Walking Tour, Connecticut Pesticide Credits Offered
UMD offering Ornamental Horticulture IPM Training, July 21-Sept 22
University of Maryland Extension will hold IPM training sessions on July 21, August 18, and September 22. There will be live samples and a walk through in-field diagnostic process as part of the IPM approach.
The Role of Climate Change on Forest Trees, Including Fall Coloration, in the Eastern U.S., Sept. 15, 12pm ET
The eastern US is unique in that climate change (warming) has been mainly limited to the northern tier. This has been coupled with an increase in precipitation, which has mitigated most of the negative impacts seen in the western US and many other locations worldwide. While some negative impacts of climate change exist in eastern forests, there are a surprising number of ways that trees have benefited, such as the increase in CO2 stimulating photosynthesis, water-use efficiency, and growth. The main impact on fall color to date has been in delaying peak colors by a few days to a few weeks depending on location in the eastern US.
Employment Opportunities:
Research Ecologist, US Forest Service, Pineville, LA
This position will serve as primary invasive plant liaison for State and Private Forestry in Pineville, Louisiana, representing RWU 4552’s efforts in the western part of the Southern Region and will be located at the Alexandria Forestry Center in Pineville. If you are interested in this position, please respond within the outreach database by July 30, 2021. Once the position is advertised, all responders who provide an email address will automatically receive the link to this position at USAJobs. Please contact James T. Vogt, Program Manager, Southern Research Station, Insects, Diseases, and Invasive Plants at 865-978-0664 or james.t.vogt@usda.gov if you have any questions regarding this position.