Websites is a wonderful clearinghouse and compendium for readily available lawn-care advice from 22 states and seven “national service links.” Tips, videos, posters (great for presentations and workshops), fact sheets, and a “have a question?” feature await you at this site. Hint: it’s easy to see all seven posters and takes but a moment to fill out the form. Remember to say how you’ll use the posters.

Look out! The brown marmorated stink bug is making waves, garnering nationwide media coverage. From its humble beginnings as a nuisance pest in Allentown, PA, a little over a decade ago, BMSB has exploded into a destructive pest in farm fields, vineyards, and orchards. But true to its roots, it plagues workers and tenants in office and apartment buildings, storage lockers, warehouses, and homes—and cleanup takes a manure shovel and five-gallon bucket. Our Center’s BMSB working group is command central in the search for solutions.

Bed bugs still the big draw. New York City’s health department has fielded thousands of bed bug calls and they know just how to help. Their website provides a wealth of information, simply presented, for tenants and homeowners, landlords and building managers, health care workers, travelers and visitors, pest management professionals—for everyone, since bed bugs aren’t just pests of hotels and apartment buildings. Jet planes, theaters, lofts, warehouses, department stores, boutiques—where we go, they go also.


Pest Identification Guide for Pests in and around Buildings. This pocket guide helps readers identify pests in classrooms or cafeterias, playgrounds or even parking lots. Color photos, scales, and diagrams highlight and distinguish features of ants, roaches, flies, rats, mice, termites, spiders, wasps, bees, bed bugs, fleas, mosquitoes, ticks and more—and the guide really does fit in your pocket. Whether you’re a kitchen manager, school principal, or warehouse supervisor, you’ll know what features to note in your reports. A great help for communicating with clients as well. From Louisiana State Univ. 3.5 x 5" • 52 pages • full color • coil binding • heavy-weight, coated pages • $12. Order from

The Northeastern IPM Center promotes integrated pest management for reducing risks to human health and the environment. If republishing our news, please acknowledge the source (“From Northeast IPM Insights”) along with a link to our website.