IPM Partnership Program Supports 24 New Projects in 2008

In 2008, the Northeastern IPM Center awarded nearly $475,000 to support the following research and outreach projects in northeastern states.

IPM Working Groups

  • Northeast School IPM Implementation Working Group
  • Multiregional Working Group on Sooty Blotch and Flyspeck of Apple
  • Northeast Community IPM Working Group
  • Northeast Vegetable IPM Working Group

Regional IPM Publications

  • IPM for Homeowners and Gardeners: Outreach via Brochures, Presentations, and the Web
  • Web-based Vegetable IPM Resource Database: Publicity and Upkeep
  • Developing a Fungicide Resistance Management Guide for Vegetable Growers in the Mid-Atlantic Region

IPM Issues

  • Master Gardener-Facilitated IPM Education for Homeowners
  • Adopting New Methods for Cucurbit Virus Diseases
  • Guardian Plant Systems for Greenhouse IPM
  • Second Regional Workshop with NRCS to Foster IPM as a Conservation Practice

IPM Planning Documents

  • New England Maple Syrup Pest Management Concerns Survey; PMSP for Brambles in New England
  • Planning a PMSP Workshop in Ornamentals
  • PMSP for Commercial Greenhouses in the Northeast

IPM Minigrants

  • Behaviorally Based Management Strategies for the Plum Curculio and Apple Maggot Fly in Northeastern Apple Orchards
  • Production of Disease-Free Onion Bare Root Transplant Seedlings
  • Quantifying the Exposure and Effect of Farmer-Applied Pesticides on Northeast Migratory Operations Pollinating Crops in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maine, and Massachusetts

State Network Projects were funded in each state to respond to federal requests regarding pest management methods.

The Northeastern IPM Center promotes integrated pest management for reducing risks to human health and the environment. If republishing our news, please acknowledge the source (“From Northeast IPM Insights”) along with a link to our website.