Since children spend much of their time at school, it makes sense to use only least-toxic methods.
IPM can reduce actual risks—not just the financial effects of risks after a loss.
Resources from the March 2018 issue of IPM Insights.
The March 2018 issue of IPM Insights on Risk Management is now available as a downloadable PDF.
Growers often use the IPM technique of increasing the complexity and diversity of vegetation to fight bad bugs.
Margaret Skinner and her team are studying plants as a foundation in an IPM approach to manage aphids and other pests cost-effectively.
Some plants emit chemical “help” signals that call natural enemies—such as beneficial insects—to their aid.
Farmers, gardeners, homeowners, and land managers can cultivate rich habitats for beneficial organisms and suppress pests.
The November 2017 issue of IPM Insights on Habitat is now available as a downloadable PDF.
Imagine that you could hire a consultant to help you deal with the ecological damage caused by having too many deer in your municipality.
According to the Maine Forest Service, it’s one of the worst major, widespread outbreaks in over one hundred years.
Exclusion, or prevention—it’s a fundamental principle of IPM, but why does it matter and how does one do it?
Exclusion can be decisive in the battle against spotted wing drosophila (SWD).
Experts are using IPM techniques to prevent deer from destroying ecosystems.
According to, “to dream of ticks represents an annoyance in your life that forces you to be extra careful.”
Officials from New Zealand requested, in April, about twenty odd dead insect specimens preserved in bottles of hand sanitizer.
This infographic provides tips for keeping brown marmorated stink bugs out of your home.
The July 2017 issue of IPM Insights on Pest Exclusion is now available as a downloadable PDF.
Change can be rapid or slow in forming, requiring years of stimuli, until one day something clicks, or just makes more sense.
That cockroach creeping across your neighbor’s apartment floor is certainly spewing forth tiny asthma-triggering allergens—a vicious band of Wild West gunmen raiding the whole farm of human dwellings.