2024 Webinars: IPM Toolbox, DEIJ in IPM

The Northeastern Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Center offers webinars through several ongoing programs, including the IPM Toolbox series and the Center’s Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice in IPM initiative, with some webinars considered part of both.

Several webinars were offered this past spring with more scheduled for the fall. Past webinars are recorded and available to view online. All are free and open to the public.

Upcoming Webinars

Increasing Access to Practical Biocontrol Information through Digital Resources

Amara Dunn-Silver Hillary Peterson

October 2, 2024, 11:00 a.m. Eastern

Presenters: Amara Dunn-Silver, biocontrol specialist, New York State IPM Program; Hillary Peterson, IPM specialist, Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation, and Forestry

The New York State IPM Program biocontrol website continues to grow with information for all of North America. This presentation will provide a tour of biocontrol agent profiles and describe the ongoing process to create resources on augmentative biocontrol.

Visit neipmc.org/go/CyHd for more information or to register.

DEI in IPM Panel Discussion

Antomia Farrell Quatez Scott
Jacquelyn Mosley Anna Katharine Mansfield

October 29, 2024, 2:00 p.m. Eastern

This panel will explore a unique diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) perspective: DEI best practices, how to implement change in light of anti-DEI legislation, and how all of this is affecting experiences across the country. Panelists will provide examples to help viewers become more informed DEI-minded leaders and discuss how to support administration, faculty, staff, and students in an anti-DEI climate.


  • Antomia “Mia” Farrell, associate dean and director for diversity, equity, and inclusion, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Michigan State University
  • Quatez Scott, assistant dean for inclusion, diversity, and equity in agriculture (IDEA), Colorado State University
  • Jacquelyn Mosley, professor of human development and family sciences and assistant dean, Dale Bumpers College of Agricultural, Food, and Life Sciences, University of Arkansas
  • Anna Katharine Mansfield, associate director and associate professor, Cornell AgriTech

Visit neipmc.org/go/SdcW for more information or to register.

Bee Breeding and IPM for Better Pollinator Health

Hongmei Li-Byarlay

November 20, 2024, 11:00 a.m. Eastern

Presenter: Hongmei Li-Byarlay, associate professor, Central State University

This presentation will focus on recently published and current research on the genetics and breeding of mite-resistant stocks in honey bees, and on a recent study using a sustainable method to manage varroa mites in bee hives.

Visit neipmc.org/go/pXcE for more information or to register.

Webinars Recorded Earlier This Year

The Biology and Management of Common Invasive Plants in the Northeastern U.S. and Southern Canada

Antonio DiTommaso

February 27, 2024

Presenter: Antonio DiTommaso, professor of weed science and chair of the soil and crop sciences section in the School of Integrative Plant Science, Cornell University

This presentation focused on the biology and management (both chemical and non-chemical) of ten common invasive plants in the northeastern United States and southern Canada. Species covered included Japanese knotweed, buckthorn, swallowworts, honeysuckles, bindweeds, multiflora rose, and Japanese stiltgrass.

Visit neipmc.org/go/fARB for more information or to view the recording.

The Use of IPM in Beekeeping to Control Parasitic Varroa Mites

Robyn Underwood

March 11, 2024

Presenter: Robyn Underwood, Penn State Extension educator in apiculture

This talk discussed the parts of the IPM pyramid as they relate to controlling the parasitic varroa mite, widely the biggest problem in beekeeping. Topics covered included breeding for mite resistance, cultural and mechanical controls, and chemical controls that are both organic-approved and synthetic. These items were presented as a “year in the life” of a beekeeping operation.

Visit neipmc.org/go/FgpQ for more information or to view the recording.

Kosher, Halal, and Insects: How do they relate?

Joe Regenstein

March 25, 2024

Presenter: Joe Regenstein, professor emeritus of food science and head of the Cornell University Kosher and Halal Food Initiative

Kosher and halal food regulations are an important part of the food industry. Both religious systems are concerned about the practices of modern agriculture, including the role of insects and similar animal species. This talk introduced these dietary laws and then looked specifically at how each religion views insects in the food and feed context.

Visit neipmc.org/go/phCa for more information or to view the recording.

Reducing Synthetic Chemical Use to Optimize Pest Management and Crop Production: A Case Study of Onion Thrips in Onion

Brian Nault

April 11, 2024

Presenter: Brian Nault, professor and program leader, Department of Entomology at Cornell AgriTech

Onion thrips (Thrips tabaci) is a major pest of onion production. Brian Nault shared the results of his study with 20 New York commercial onion fields on the viability of reducing synthetic fertilizer and insecticide inputs without compromising yields. The growers successfully reduced their synthetic chemical inputs, resulting in greater profits and a reduction of chemicals in the environment.

Visit neipmc.org/go/wtpg for more information or to view the recording.

About the IPM Toolbox Series

The Center’s IPM Toolbox webinar series invites experts for hour-long conversations to present—and engage the audience in dialogue—about an IPM practice, method, or effort.

Some webinars are geared toward practitioners in a specific agricultural or pest-management field while others may be of interest to anybody.

For more information about the IPM Toolbox series, visit neipmc.org/go/ipmtoolbox.

About the DEIJ in IPM initiative

In 2022, the Center launched a new Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice in IPM initiative, initially a webinar series packaged as a subset of the IPM Toolbox series.

Presenters from historically marginalized groups have been invited to discuss topics related to their research, or to share their perspectives on overcoming barriers and succeeding in their chosen profession.

Through this bifurcated approach, the initiative has grown in scope, with some presentations overlapping with the IPM Toolbox and others addressing broader issues where DEIJ intersects with IPM.

For more information about the DEIJ in IPM initiative, visit neipmc.org/go/yBmD.