
Our Center’s Advisory Council meets regularly to share ideas and plan for the future.

The Northeastern IPM Center serves as a hub where growers, scientists, consumers, government agencies, businesses, and environmental organizations work together to find least-risk solutions to pest and pesticide problems. Our broad-based, participatory leadership ensures that we serve the real-world needs of people in the Northeast. Here’s how we’re organized:

  • Steering Committee: A policy-setting body that brings together input from stakeholders (including the Advisory Council), sets broad goals and priorities, and provides direction for timely and effective Center management.
  • Advisory Council: A group of stakeholders who meet regularly to provide a broad vision guiding our steering committee and staff. Members represent a wide range of stakeholders, linking the Center to stakeholder needs and priorities for pest management programs.
  • Staff: Our staff, based at Cornell University, carry out the daily operations of the Center, including managing online databases, developing publications, facilitating communications, and overseeing grants programs.
  • IPM Working Groups: Ad hoc committees of regional stakeholders who work together on vital issues in the Northeast, addressing topics specific to an IPM setting or crop.
  • Find a Colleague: Looking to collaborate on a project? View a list of IPM professionals and post your own profile.