Acronyms and Initialisms Commonly Used at the IPM Center
1862s | Land-grant institutions established by the Morrill Act of 1862 (at least one in every state) |
1890s | Land-grant institutions of higher learning that are historically black and were founded by the second Morrill Act, 1890 |
1994s | Historically Native American institutions of higher learning |
AA | Administrative Advisor; an experiment station director who has been assigned to work with a multistate research project |
AC | Advisory Council |
AFRI | Agriculture and Food Research Initiative, a competitive grants program of the USDA |
AIMS | Agriculture Internet Monitoring System |
APHIS | Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, an agency within USDA |
APLU | Association of Public and Land-grant Universities (formerly NASULGC) |
AREERA | Agricultural Research, Extension and Education Reform Act of 1998 (the 1998 Farm Bill) |
ARS | Agricultural Research Service; the in-house research agency within USDA |
BATS | Biological Analysis and Taxonomic Support |
BEAD | EPA’s Biological and Economic Analysis Division |
BAA | Board on Agriculture Assembly (the agricultural division of APLU) |
BRAG | Biotechnology Risk Assessment Research Grants |
CABI | Commonwealth Agricultural Bureau International |
CAPS | Cooperative Agricultural Pest Survey |
CAR | Crops at Risk (section 406 grants program through USDA-NIFA) |
CARET | Council for Agricultural Research, Extension and Teaching (APLA) |
CES | Cooperative Extension Service |
CI | Critical Issues |
CIG | Conservation Innovation Grant (NRCS) |
CIPM | Center for Integrated Pest Management |
COI | eXtension - Community of Interest |
COP | eXtension - Community of Practice |
CPHST | Center for Plant Health Science Technology |
CPPM | Crop Protection and Pest Management Program (program within USDA-NIFA that addresses high-priority issues related to pests and IPM approaches at the state, regional, and national levels; this includes funding the regional IPM centers) |
CRIS | Current Research Information System (program within USDA-NIFA that tracked research projects within land-grant universities and USDA agencies. Now REEport) |
CRP | Conservation Research Program (NRCS) |
CSP | Conservation Security Program (part of NRCS) |
CTV | Citrus tristeza |
ECOP | Extension Committee on Organization and Policy (part of APLU) |
EIPM | Extension IPM |
EIPMC | IPM Cotton Program |
EPA | Environmental Protection Agency |
EQIP | Environmental Quality Incentives Program |
ERS | Economic Research Service; a social science research agency within USDA |
ESA | Entomological Society of America |
ESCOP | Experiment Station Committee on Organization and Policy (part of the BAA in APLU) |
ESS | Experiment Station Section of the BAA |
FFY | Federal fiscal year |
FIPMCC | Federal IPM Coordinating Committee |
FOTG | Field Office Technical Guide |
FQPA | Food Quality Protection Act |
FTE | Full-time equivalent |
FY | Fiscal year |
GAO | General Accounting Office |
GPDD | Global Pesticide Disease Database |
GPRA | Government Performance and Results Act of 1993 |
Hatch Funds | Federal funds administered by experiment stations. The Hatch Act of 1887 established SAES and provided a mechanism for allocation federal support. Hatch Funds are also known as Formula Funds |
IFAFS | Initiative for Future Agriculture and Food Systems (grants program through USDA-NIFA) |
INV | Innovation Award |
IOP | Integrated Organic Program |
IPM | Integrated Pest Management |
IPM1 | National IPM Implementation Program: Phase 1 |
IPM2 | National IPM Implementation Program: Phase 2 |
ipmPIPE | Pest Information Platform for Extension and Education |
IS | International Services |
IR-4 | Inter-regional Research Project Number 4 (provides regulatory clearances for pest management tools on minor crops) |
IRAC | Insecticide Resistance Action Committee |
IWG | IPM Working Groups (formerly CWG) |
LGU | Land-Grant University |
MBT | Methyl Bromide Transition Grant |
MRP | Multistate Research Project, a coordinated research project between two or more experiment stations that is partially supported by a designated portion of Hatch Funds called Multistate Research Funds |
NAPIS | National Agricultural Pest Information System |
NASS | National Agricultural Statistics Service; an agency within USDA |
NASULGC | National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges (now named Association of Public and Land-grant Universities - APLU) |
NCIPMC | North Central Integrated Pest Management Center |
NCERA 222 | North Central Regional IPM Committee |
NEED | Northeast Extension Directors |
NEERA | The Northeast Region Technical Committee on IPM. NEERA stands for “Northeast Education/Extension and Research Activities.” NEERA is officially titled NEERA-1604 and was formerly known as NEERA-1004 and Northeast Research, Extension and Academic Program Committee for IPM (NEREAP-IPM). |
NEIPMC | Northeastern Integrated Pest Management Center |
NEPMNet | New England Pest Management Network (information network project with NEIPMC) |
NERA | Northeast Research Association (of Agricultural Experiment Station Directors) |
NEREAP | see NEERA-1004 |
NESARE | Northeast Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education program |
NEWA | Northeast Weather Association |
NIFA | National Institute of Food and Agriculture; an agency within USDA |
NIMSS | National Information Management and Support System |
NIPMEG | National IPM Evaluation Group |
NJinPAS | New Jersey Information Network for Pesticides and Alternative Strategies |
NOFA | Northeast Organic Farming Association |
NPB | National Plant Board |
NPDN | National Plant Diagnostic Network |
NPL | National Program Leader |
NRCS | Natural Resources Conservation Service; an agency within USDA |
NRI | National Research Initiative (now defunct) |
NSP | National Special Project |
OECD | Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development |
OMB | Office of Management and Budget |
OPIS | Offshore Pest Information System |
OPMP | Office of Pest Management Policy (part of USDA) |
OPP | Office of Pesticide Programs (part of EPA) |
OPs | Organophosphate pesticides |
OREI | Organic Agriculture Research and Extension Initiative |
ORG | Organic Grant Program |
PAMS | Prevention, Avoidance, Monitoring, Suppression |
PAS | Phytosanitary Alert System |
PAT | Pesticide applicator training (now PSEP) |
PEAP | Pesticide Education and Assessment Programs |
PESP | Pesticide Environmental Stewardship Program (a public-private partnership connected to EPA) |
PD | Project Director |
PI | Principal Investigator |
PIAP | Pesticide Impact Assessment Program (coordinated through USDA and states; established to promote informed regulatory decisions on registered pesticides) |
PLB | Potato Late Blight Program |
PMAP | Pest Management Alternatives Program (a grants program with USDA) |
PMSP | Pest Management Strategy Plan |
PPQ | Plant Protection and Quarantine |
PSEP | Pesticide Safety Education Program |
RABID | Risk Analysis Biological Informational Database |
RAMP | Risk Avoidance and Mitigation Program (grants program formerly offered through USDA-NIFA) |
REEport | Grant project reporting system, USDA (replaces CRIS) |
RIPM | Regional Integrated Pest Management |
RFA | Request for applications (formerly called RFPs; the federal government revised the term to RFA in 2001) |
RFP | Request for Proposals |
RMA | Risk Management Agency within USDA |
SAES | State Agricultural Experiment Station(s) |
SAI | Strategic Agricultural Initiative in EPA |
SARE | Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education program |
SC | Steering Committee (all four regions have steering committees) |
SERA 3 | Southern Extension and Research Activities – Information Exchange Group |
SLA | State Lead Agency |
SNP | State Network Projects (discontinued) |
SPHD | State Plant Health Director |
SPRO | State Plant Regulatory Official |
SRG | Special Research Grants |
SRIPMC | Southern Region Integrated Pest Management Center |
SWAPA+H | Soil, water, animals, plants, air + humans |
SWOT | Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (a tool for program analysis/planning) |
USDA | United States Department of Agriculture |
WERA 1017 | Coordination of Integrated Pest Management Research & Extension/Educational Programs for the Western United States & Pacific |
WIPMC | Western Integrated Pest Management Center |