Acronyms and Initialisms Commonly Used at the IPM Center

1862s Land-grant institutions established by the Morrill Act of 1862 (at least one in every state)
1890s Land-grant institutions of higher learning that are historically black and were founded by the second Morrill Act, 1890
1994s Historically Native American institutions of higher learning
AA Administrative Advisor; an experiment station director who has been assigned to work with a multistate research project
AC Advisory Council
AFRI Agriculture and Food Research Initiative, a competitive grants program of the USDA
AIMS Agriculture Internet Monitoring System
APHIS Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, an agency within USDA
APLU Association of Public and Land-grant Universities (formerly NASULGC)
AREERA Agricultural Research, Extension and Education Reform Act of 1998 (the 1998 Farm Bill)
ARS Agricultural Research Service; the in-house research agency within USDA
BATS Biological Analysis and Taxonomic Support
BEAD EPA’s Biological and Economic Analysis Division
BAA Board on Agriculture Assembly (the agricultural division of APLU)
BRAG Biotechnology Risk Assessment Research Grants
CABI Commonwealth Agricultural Bureau International
CAPS Cooperative Agricultural Pest Survey
CAR Crops at Risk (section 406 grants program through USDA-NIFA)
CARET Council for Agricultural Research, Extension and Teaching (APLA)
CES Cooperative Extension Service
CI Critical Issues
CIG Conservation Innovation Grant (NRCS)
CIPM Center for Integrated Pest Management
COI eXtension - Community of Interest
COP eXtension - Community of Practice
CPHST Center for Plant Health Science Technology
CPPM Crop Protection and Pest Management Program (program within USDA-NIFA that addresses high-priority issues related to pests and IPM approaches at the state, regional, and national levels; this includes funding the regional IPM centers)
CRIS Current Research Information System (program within USDA-NIFA that tracked research projects within land-grant universities and USDA agencies. Now REEport)
CRP Conservation Research Program (NRCS)
CSP Conservation Security Program (part of NRCS)
CTV Citrus tristeza
ECOP Extension Committee on Organization and Policy (part of APLU)
EIPM Extension IPM
EIPMC IPM Cotton Program
EPA Environmental Protection Agency
EQIP Environmental Quality Incentives Program
ERS Economic Research Service; a social science research agency within USDA
ESA Entomological Society of America
ESCOP Experiment Station Committee on Organization and Policy (part of the BAA in APLU)
ESS Experiment Station Section of the BAA
FFY Federal fiscal year
FIPMCC Federal IPM Coordinating Committee
FOTG Field Office Technical Guide
FQPA Food Quality Protection Act
FTE Full-time equivalent
FY Fiscal year
GAO General Accounting Office
GPDD Global Pesticide Disease Database
GPRA Government Performance and Results Act of 1993
Hatch Funds Federal funds administered by experiment stations. The Hatch Act of 1887 established SAES and provided a mechanism for allocation federal support. Hatch Funds are also known as Formula Funds
IFAFS Initiative for Future Agriculture and Food Systems (grants program through USDA-NIFA)
INV Innovation Award
IOP Integrated Organic Program
IPM Integrated Pest Management
IPM1 National IPM Implementation Program: Phase 1
IPM2 National IPM Implementation Program: Phase 2
ipmPIPE Pest Information Platform for Extension and Education
IS International Services
IR-4 Inter-regional Research Project Number 4 (provides regulatory clearances for pest management tools on minor crops)
IRAC Insecticide Resistance Action Committee
IWG IPM Working Groups (formerly CWG)
LGU Land-Grant University
MBT Methyl Bromide Transition Grant
MRP Multistate Research Project, a coordinated research project between two or more experiment stations that is partially supported by a designated portion of Hatch Funds called Multistate Research Funds
NAPIS National Agricultural Pest Information System
NASS National Agricultural Statistics Service; an agency within USDA
NASULGC National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges (now named Association of Public and Land-grant Universities - APLU)
NCIPMC North Central Integrated Pest Management Center
NCERA 222 North Central Regional IPM Committee
NEED Northeast Extension Directors
NEERA The Northeast Region Technical Committee on IPM. NEERA stands for “Northeast Education/Extension and Research Activities.” NEERA is officially titled NEERA-1604 and was formerly known as NEERA-1004 and Northeast Research, Extension and Academic Program Committee for IPM (NEREAP-IPM).
NEIPMC Northeastern Integrated Pest Management Center
NEPMNet New England Pest Management Network (information network project with NEIPMC)
NERA Northeast Research Association (of Agricultural Experiment Station Directors)
NESARE Northeast Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education program
NEWA Northeast Weather Association
NIFA National Institute of Food and Agriculture; an agency within USDA
NIMSS National Information Management and Support System
NIPMEG National IPM Evaluation Group
NJinPAS New Jersey Information Network for Pesticides and Alternative Strategies
NOFA Northeast Organic Farming Association
NPB National Plant Board
NPDN National Plant Diagnostic Network
NPL National Program Leader
NRCS Natural Resources Conservation Service; an agency within USDA
NRI National Research Initiative (now defunct)
NSP National Special Project
OECD Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
OMB Office of Management and Budget
OPIS Offshore Pest Information System
OPMP Office of Pest Management Policy (part of USDA)
OPP Office of Pesticide Programs (part of EPA)
OPs Organophosphate pesticides
OREI Organic Agriculture Research and Extension Initiative
ORG Organic Grant Program
PAMS Prevention, Avoidance, Monitoring, Suppression
PAS Phytosanitary Alert System
PAT Pesticide applicator training (now PSEP)
PEAP Pesticide Education and Assessment Programs
PESP Pesticide Environmental Stewardship Program (a public-private partnership connected to EPA)
PD Project Director
PI Principal Investigator
PIAP Pesticide Impact Assessment Program (coordinated through USDA and states; established to promote informed regulatory decisions on registered pesticides)
PLB Potato Late Blight Program
PMAP Pest Management Alternatives Program (a grants program with USDA)
PMSP Pest Management Strategy Plan
PPQ Plant Protection and Quarantine
PSEP Pesticide Safety Education Program
RABID Risk Analysis Biological Informational Database
RAMP Risk Avoidance and Mitigation Program (grants program formerly offered through USDA-NIFA)
REEport Grant project reporting system, USDA (replaces CRIS)
RIPM Regional Integrated Pest Management
RFA Request for applications (formerly called RFPs; the federal government revised the term to RFA in 2001)
RFP Request for Proposals
RMA Risk Management Agency within USDA
SAES State Agricultural Experiment Station(s)
SAI Strategic Agricultural Initiative in EPA
SARE Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education program
SC Steering Committee (all four regions have steering committees)
SERA 3 Southern Extension and Research Activities – Information Exchange Group
SLA State Lead Agency
SNP State Network Projects (discontinued)
SPHD State Plant Health Director
SPRO State Plant Regulatory Official
SRG Special Research Grants
SRIPMC Southern Region Integrated Pest Management Center
SWAPA+H Soil, water, animals, plants, air + humans
SWOT Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (a tool for program analysis/planning)
USDA United States Department of Agriculture
WERA 1017 Coordination of Integrated Pest Management Research & Extension/Educational Programs for the Western United States & Pacific
WIPMC Western Integrated Pest Management Center